Tuesday, July 5, 2011

POEM: No Sight

It's always a blast
a hard word
or a push
when there is no foresight
or insight
but until we act right
then there'll never be delight
just fright
not a unite
but a fist fight
for both black and white
want their future to be bright
sight is blinded


Monday, July 4, 2011

Lend a Helping Hand

If you ever get into a position to help others, it is a blessing to do so. You may feel that noone helps you when you ask for it but God is always there for us.

There are always ways for problems to be solved. Sometimes, we just have to persevere and struggle through the turmoil. However, we don't want to be regarded as pushovers so be mindful of those who try to use and abuse you.

Despite the users, offering a helping hand is good. It's a great fulfillment in knowing that your small input may have made someone's day.

One while I was driving, I saw a little boy with his father walking. A bottle dropped from the boy's hand and somehow he got cut on his hand. I immediately stopped and bid them to come in my car so I could take them to the hospital. I can't fathom seeing things like that happen in front of me. I have children of my own and would hope that other people would not leave them to suffer.

Afterall, none of us would want our sins to fall on our children. We all want to live in peace and harmony. We all want the best for our familes. However, it can't be only about the 'we' in a small group - it has to be about the entire community.

Please take care of each other and help anyone that you see in need.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happiness on the Job


Happiness on the job does not mean a perfect job. It may be the job that's outside your field, that you may be overqualified for or are underpaid and underappreciated.

However, going past the basic needs of a clean work environment, water and basic tools, employees need to know that they contributions are appreciated even if their suggestions are not always implemented. Supervisors need to listen to the people in the trenches and sometimes walk in the trenches to understand the day-to-day runnings.

Gossip is a killer on the job and so is micro-management and backbiting. I have worked in the midst of all of this and it is no pleasant. I will never tell anyone to be the 'yes man' and never refuse an assignment. You have to say no and stand up to your peers and supervisors when needed. People are always looking for a scapegoat, a gossip partner, a news carrier or work horse. Living as one of those person does not bring happiness on the job. Instead it brings misery.

Lack of teamwork brings a lot of negativity. However, the team can only be strong if the manager has that motivating and inspiring attitude that can get diverse people to work together. When we focus on differences we can't get any work done.

Happiness on the job for me means that the team has each other's back and can achieve success amongst conflicts. There will be conflicts and challenges everywhere in life. Never feel that happiness means that nothing can go wrong. Only babies are allowed to live that way because parents or other adults are there to foster their needs.

Try to avoid or sidestep the negative on the job. Focus on getting the job done and even if you are not treated well, still perform to the best of your ability until you are able to solve your troubles or move on to another position. Afterall, we are only set to be in one place for a time. At some point we will be moving on - preferably forward!

Poem: Unwilling Prey

It calls my name...silently
I try to never look its way
but yet it always seems to find me
'Take me home'
it says with emphasis
but I never want to go near
Many times I run away
from its pull
but I never can run far away
because its attraction
defeats me
although I am unwilling prey
this captor graciously
takes me into its den
knowing that my fortitude
will soon dissolve
and I will take a dip
into the sea which draws me in


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Writing Poems About Children

Poems about children can be written to speak from a child's perspective or can be written about childhood experiences to convey strong messages.

Poetry is a great art-form to express feelings about nature, people, life, inanimate objects and the world as a whole. Writing poems about children is a great way to reminisce about childhood or to convey a message from a child's perspective. The message may not always be positive as sometimes it becomes necessary for an important message which has negative undertones to be shared.

Compose the Poem for the Intended Audience
Writing for the intended audience is very important regardless of the topic or type of writing. While a poem may be written about children, the poem can be catered for children to read or for adults.
  • Poems written for children: If the poem is written to be shared with children, then be mindful of the message being conveyed. Avoid any inappropriate words and very unpleasant references. Simple words with a simple tone can bring across the inspiration. Keep a simple rhyme scheme especially if the poem is to be performed for children. An example of lines could be "A pretty red ribbon/ sits in Diane's hair/ her happiness is shown/in the colors she wears"
  • Poems for adult readers: While any theme can be written to be shared with an adult audience, be mindful of religion, gender and other topics that can cause discomfort of controversy. This can affect book sales and requested performances at schools, churches and events.
Poems from a Child's Perspective
Writing from another perspective entails some brainstorming and creative thought. Think of how active and lucid a child's imagination is. Write using colors, vivid scenes and simple words and phrases. Also, write in the first person. Although the message may have negative undertones such as child abuse, it is important to keep the message coming from a child's viewpoint. An example is: "I don't know why you hit me I was a good boy I didn't mean to break the toy".

Poems about Childhood Experiences
Poems about children can speak in any voice about childhood events. Again, tailoring the writing for audience is very important. These types of poems if written for an adult audience can share messages about divorce, abuse, assault and any other vice. Regardless of the speaker, "I, you or she", be sure to convey the poem with an imaginative flair and with vivid description. Be creative by using imagery and vivid descriptions. An example is: "You have grown. You have elapsed from the angel that everyone believed that you were. From sleeping in the den and then tasting the jams and jellies - licking your fingers as you run and hide".

Composing poems about children requires innovation and creativity because the writing can bring back memories of childhood experiences. However, while some childhood experiences may be negative, the message should still be shared because it may impact positively on the readers. Write for the audience and incorporate writing that appeals to the senses so that the readers or listeners can understand the poem.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ribbon's Quick Thoughts - How I Feel Today

I guess I'm a pin cushion
cause you all keep pricking me
it doesn't matter cause I won't chook back
cause Father God knows and has my back........


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cart before the Horse or Horse before the Cart?

My grandmother would always say that you can put the cart before the horse. Even at a young age, I understood what it meant. As an adult, I see this even more clearly now. I don't think that is my BA degree that brings it to fruition because plain old common sense can tell you so.

The cart can't pull the horse, the horse has to pull the cart. So it's that simple? Then why do we see things coming and never put the right initiatives in place to increase performance or reduce loss. You can't plan for the damage a natural disaster can cause but you can educate your people to be ready. We are good at getting that word out.

However, where we suck is with our infrastructure and human resources. These two facets are the building blocks of any country. There is no industry without good infrastructure. There is no future without people to preserve the culture and to form your labour force.

We get a bare passing grade for our education and I give a 'D' because the special needs students are not a serious priority. We have to get out of the mentality of hiding these children because they have special gifts. They must grow up and become members of the community. This is a major issue that is continually surpassed because we do not have programs to integrate them into the wider community where possible.

Our infrastructure - the core behind any country, needs work and this means money. We have spent millions of dollars trying to give the place an aesthetically pleasing appearance but we have not dealt with the major issues of the supply of clean water, disposal of sewerage, electrical supply, solid waste disposal and road improvement.. I will say plainly to any person that hiring a consultant or giving a contract to a foreign company which drags its feet is not a solution.

We seem to have a "dummy" sign on our backs and this is sad. We have spent millions educating the youth in various fields but we seem not to trust their judgement. We pay the consultants and then shelf their reports if they completed same in the first place.

The country's labor force is either in the private or public sector. The private sector is at the mercy of the persons installed to regulate employment practices. This does not always seem to go well. It is very sad because such persons have to try their utmost best to be unbiased and fair in their dealings with the public. The public sector is governed by rules that are designed to repress their freedom of speech.

We'd hope that there would be more calypsonians in this country who can sing in parables about the plight of the country. However we notice that certain leaders are not for that artistic side which is the one true freedom of speech that any artist has.

So what are we to do? I believe in solutions. We know what the problems are. In many cases we know the root of said problems. I believe that we have to make some hard decisions to get the country forward. However, we have several persons who prefer to see the place run to the dogs so that they can get their cutback.

So who's the cart and who's the horse?


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tribute to my Family

My family is unique. They are creative, innovative, loving and fun to be around. They work hard and can pull things together as a team. Spending time with them is always a joyous event. It get's better when the extended family joins in because you get to hear all the stories from back in the day.

I get to look at my elders and then watch my children to see how the features are so similar. As the old folks say, "Apple don't fall far from the tree." Everyone is amazed at how my children and their cousins look so closely alike.

Our genes are strong and our family is healthy enough. We the younger generation have a legacy to carry forward. You listen to all the great stories and realize that family is always there for each other. I can name more than one family member who has opened their home to everyone - including to me.

It is truly a blessing to have an awesome family. It gets better when they love to dance and they dance the night away....."We Are Family".......


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Messed up a few things. Learned a Lesson.

Planning is everything. Knowing key people in your industry or key players in the community is important. Being able to think on your feet is priceless. Knowing the right person to call to make the contact that is needed is indisputable.

If you want to succeed in what you do, you have to know who to make links with - even at the late hour. Being able to work with people and convince them to support your endeavor is important.

I think that all of the above are neccessary when planning events. However, learning from mistakes, taking criticism and evaluating performance are just as important in moving forward on a better note.

Seen it. Done it. Messed up a few things. Learned a lesson. Ready for the next one.


Good Internal Control Procedures Reduce Employee Theft

There is always the possibility that employees will be tempted to steal but good internal control procedures can reduce theft.

Employees can be tempted to steal for many reasons. Therefore employers must implement measures that deter the staff from misappropriating financial resources or stealing physical items. First, business owners must seek to ascertain why employees may steal, Organizations must also understand what internal control is. Only then will managers be able to delve further into implementing the necessary internal control practices to ensure that operations run efficiently and pilfery can be reduced.

Why Businesses Suffer From Employee Theft
While no employer wishes to know that any member of staff is stealing, there is always the possibility that it could happen. Theft can occur in any organization, both private and governmental. Some businesses have poor management and monitoring and this presents an easy opportunity for theft to occur. There are also cases where an employee may be in financial need and he resorts to stealing or embezzlement. Some staff members may be greedy and an example is the employee who would say "the business makes so much money and the boss pays me so little."

What is Internal Control
According to Cornell University's Professor Emeritus A. Neal Geller in "Internal Control: A Fraud-Prevention Handbook for Hotel and Restaurant Managers" (School of Hotel Administration, 1991), internal control is "the aspect of management that deals with prevention of fraud and embezzlement". The Office of the President of the University of California further shares in their publication "Understanding Internal Controls" that this concept speaks to the "effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations." Internal control is not implemented to make organizations top-heavy with red tape and long procedures. Instead, these procedures can aid in ensuring the stability of the business.

Implementing Simple Internal Control Measures
How can any business implement internal control? As stated by the University of California, effectiveness and efficiency are essential factors in internal control in the management of any operation.
  • Inventory management: Large organizations will have an inventory clerk assigned to the requisition and/or the distribution of items. In smaller organizations, inventory management may be added to the job description of one of the workers. As the theft of any item is a loss to any company, managers must implement inventory procedures that ensure the smooth requisition and dissemination of items while ensuring that items are accounted for.
  • Petty cash management: Petty cash can be tempting to staff. While Geller recommends that petty cash use should be minimized, he encourages that managers "separate (the) imprest fund" from other cash and the responsibility be placed to an employee who is not in accounting or record-keeping. He also strongly advocates that there should be a "voucher procedure for disbursements."
  • Separation of accounts payable and receivable: Avoid embezzlement and fraud by one or more employees by separating the accounts payable and receivable duties. Of course this is also easier in large organizations. In small businesses where there may only be one employee handling the accounting, it may be impossible to segregate duties. Therefore, business owners must monitor the accounting records. If the owner is not knowledgeable in accounting procedures, an independent firm should be engaged to periodically ensure that there is no embezzlement or fraud.

Employers must ensure that internal control is resonant in any organization. Employees may steal for different reasons but good internal control measures should reduce theft. Business owners can implement inventory management systems, petty cash management and the separation of accounting duties to reduce the likelihood of employee theft.

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt