Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tribute to my Family

My family is unique. They are creative, innovative, loving and fun to be around. They work hard and can pull things together as a team. Spending time with them is always a joyous event. It get's better when the extended family joins in because you get to hear all the stories from back in the day.

I get to look at my elders and then watch my children to see how the features are so similar. As the old folks say, "Apple don't fall far from the tree." Everyone is amazed at how my children and their cousins look so closely alike.

Our genes are strong and our family is healthy enough. We the younger generation have a legacy to carry forward. You listen to all the great stories and realize that family is always there for each other. I can name more than one family member who has opened their home to everyone - including to me.

It is truly a blessing to have an awesome family. It gets better when they love to dance and they dance the night away....."We Are Family".......


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

POEM: Taking Turns

Taking Turns

Only the Father can turn us around:
He heals our pain,
He forgives our sins,
and He gives us true joy within.

Our Father never turns us away;
instead, He leads us,
He keeps us safe,
and He makes our journeys easier.

He never turns us out:
our Father stays with us,
gives us love and strength,
and all we need to do is have faith.

Our Father turns a hard heart into soft matter:
Yes! Our Father builds bridges,
He solves our problems,
and all we have to do is to believe.

Turning us around - healing and forgiving,
Never turning us away - accepting us as we are,
Never turning us out - still loving and strengthening us...
Only our Father can do all these things and more.

© LR

Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Relations

I look at the people I am related to and realized that it is truly a blessing to have an extended family. Nothing is more special than looking at my children as they hug my great aunts and uncles. They have one great-grandfather alive but unfortunately he no longer recognizes us.

My children run and hug their great aunt and uncle. Our family may not all live in one place but that extended family love runs strong. With the loss of any family member, floods of love come via telephone or in-person extending hope and best wishes for the sad.

Our family loves a party too. They like to cook-up and bake tarts! My kids love that too. It brings a togetherness that is necessary to keep the family ties strong.

I hope that we can get a reunion soon!