Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why can't we all get along...

I sometimes wonder why we humans can't get along. Vices like greed, jealousy and resentment may be the cause. Some of us like to see our brother kept down, while other do their best to keep that brother down. It is sad that we have to live like this especially when times are so volatile.

We have a duty to be good to each other and to be our 'brother's keeper'. We don't have to be pushovers or floor mats but we have to be good to each other. We have to respect each other and instead of laying traps for one another. We need to set positive examples and encourage one another in the right things.

Congratulate your brother or sister for making a good decision or for being promoted. Show appreciation when someone shows that they have your back. Let us reflect on the good and also on the bad because the bad things that happen are life lesssons for us.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tenor Saw - Run Come Call Me

This is awesome reggae song from the 1980s. I love the lyrics because sometimes that's how I feel - if you call me to do work, offer an incentive! It's not every time you look for money when you assist someone, but in some cases, it's better to offer so that one can refuse.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

This is for...the Poet in Me and You - World Poetry Day on March 21


Not poorly written
no specific etiquette needed
it's in me
and it's in you
it's easy and yet so complicated
it's the way I rhyme
in time
like sour limes
my words
are for everyone
to lift you up
or to break you down
your choice
it's all in the interpretation
it's your perception
it's my conception
when I write
I'm in a new dimension
no longer in suspension
but giving full attention
to the pen
© Linette Rabsatt
Happy World Poetry Day!

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 21 Commemorates World Poetry Day: Celebrating Poets, Poetry and the Impact on the World

UNESCO founded World Poetry Day to emphasize the importance of poets and poetry to the world. Poetry serves as a source of inspiration for many people.

Poetry plays an important role in everyday life because it is one of the creative arts that the average person can take part in to express themselves. Poetry dates back to the Holy Bible and to ancient hymns and then to notable figures such as William Shakespeare and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and in latter days, poets such as Langston Hughes, Pablo Neruda and Louise Bennet. In more recent times, Tupac Shakur and now Maya Angelou have enlightened various audiences and have performed poetry in movies. Of note, poet Elizabeth Alexander performed a poem at President Barack Obama's inauguration on January 20, 2009.

UNESCO's Commemoration of World Poetry Day
In November 1999, the United Nations Educational Scientific CulturalOrganization (UNESCO) proclaimed March 21 as World Poetry Day. UNESCO saw the importance of poetry to the world and as one of the major organizations that focuses on culture, World Poetry Day was officially commemorated to celebrate the work of poets. According to UNESCO, World Poetry Day "is meant to support poetry, return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, promote teaching poetry, restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music, painting and so on, support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art but one".

An excerpt from the Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of World Poetry Day 2010 reads "On this World Poetry Day 2010, let us recall that poetry is a universal country in which peoples may meet through words of all colors, rhythms and musicality". **World Poetry Day in the Caribbean** UNESCO is an organization that touches every region in the world including the Caribbean. While each member country may not recognize every UNESCO commemoration, some countries host ceremonies or other activities in recognition of days such as World Poetry Day. In Guyana, according to Stabroek News, World Poetry Day was celebrated with a poetry event at the Umana Yana on Tuesday March 23, 2010.

The event was hosted by the Guyana Department of Culture in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. In the British Virgin Islands, the Callaloo Poets hosted their second annual poetry competition in 2010 for the territory's school children themed "How Can I Be A Good Role Model" and also a poetry reading which featured local poets and the students who competed in the competition. Such activities - an official message, a poetry reading or a poetry competition are used to promote the reading and writing of poetry to the community.

A Poet's Voice
Katherine Irish is a poet hailing from the Caribbean and a member of the aforementioned Callaloo Poets. Katherine started writing early at age 14. She sees poetry as a way of expressing herself through writing rather than verbally and as an excellent way to share her thoughts and feelings with others. According to Katherine, poetry is "an escape from everyday life (and) a way to let her imagination work". When asked what World Poetry Day meant to her, she stated that it is a time where poetry, the artform and the artistes are recognized and have the opportunity to showcase their work. Katherine commented that poetry is a source of inspiration and a dynamic artform that can be incorporated with other artforms - dance, song and drama. She added that poetry should be taken seriously because just like writing a book and relating a story, a story can be told through a poem. 

March 21 marks a significant date in the celebration of the cultural artform of poetry. Poets are the songwriters, greeting card writers and the new nursery rhyme writers. Poetry lets people express themselves and gives them the opportunity to inspire others positively. UNESCO's decision to celebrate World Poetry Day is an indication of the international level of support and recognition for this artform and its significant impacts on the world yesterday, today and also for the future.

Monday, March 21, 2011 is World Poetry Day!

Monday, March 21, 2011 is World Poetry Day!


my reach needs an extension
to make the connection in reaction
to the love in existence
and the brilliance of a million
smiles and reactions that produce
alive passion that fashions
inside and cultivates outside
lies trembling beside and stimulates
the fireside
on the bright side
a poem compiled
with the happy tears I
a walk in the
a relaxing morning ride
fashions my inside
and cultivates my outside

© Linette Rabsatt

How Do You Deal with Opportunity or Obstacles

Life can present challenges daily. However, it’s how we handle the challenges. Do we run from obstacles or do we face them head on? There will always be difficult decisions to be made and hard struggles to overcome. It’s your outlook on life and how quickly you can recover from a particular fall.

What I have noticed is that money really causes fall out between people. Most challenges, issues, bickering etc stem out of money problems. If your cousin is trying to sell all the family land without permission, he most likely needs money or is just greedy. Sometimes we need money because we want to keep up with other people who seem to be doing well. Remember, most people are not doing as well as they may seem to. It’s all a façade to give the impression that things are so great when they are not.

Why do we have to pretend to be doing better than we actually are? Is it fair for us to set our course in life by trying to impress others? I would not say that I wouldn’t want to be a role model for others, but I have to live according to what God gives me and by using the intellect that he has blessed me with. I like finding new opportunities that fit well within my niche.

For example, writing for Suite101 is an absolute pleasure for me. I can write on varied topics and about the things I love and enjoy. The income was not so much a factor for me but every little bit counts. I wanted to build a repertoire of writings and I am able to make some pocket change at the same time.

On the other hand, I face obstacles and problems in everyday life – with my family, on the job and sometimes by just walking down the street. In some cases, I write people off. When you are cut off from me, you are truly severed. I may not curse and fight but you’ll be shut off. The people I curse and fuss with are the ones is many cases the ones that I value. I know it’s odd but sometimes they are the ones I really need to listen to or the ones who may need to listen to me.

However you choose to live your life is your businesses but I will live mine the best way I can. I never want to be rich but I would like to be comfortable in having the basic amenities. I don’t need to go to the club or the movies to prove to you that I can hang if I know I can’t afford to put dinner on the table for the children.

It’s how you live, take opportunity and face challenges that makes your definition.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Do My Words Count For?

What is my opinion really worth? I may feel that it is priceless while others think that it’s irrelevant. Some may not listen or if they do listen, they still may disregard the ideas.

I would not say that I am an authority on any subject. I do not have a PHD but I keep an open mind and open ear to new things. I relish in the politics of the BVI and USVI and I have an interest in agricultural development. I love my family even though I’ll be one of the parents who will honestly say that I love when my children retire for the night. I love writing articles and poetry and have opinions on tourism in the BVI. I also love music and have written several articles about R&B and reggae albums.

However, I am still not an expert nor can I say that I proficiently know these topics. I can continue to monitor, document and analyze changes in each genre. I can also read more and get involved in the activities that are relevant to my growth in the subject area.

Will that make me have an expert opinion on any topic? It may or may not. I actually don’t want to be an expert but instead a catalyst for positive change. As it says in Psalms 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

I hope that my words are and continue to be a source of inspiration and information sharing.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

POEM: Subtle

It started with a smile
a quiet blushed grin
a soft chuckle
and this opened the door
because he retorted with a wink
the eye glance that touched her heart
amazing that such subtle communication
can radiate such powerful energy
A "Hi" with no flick of the tongue
a "Hey Love" without mouth movement
just eye glances and mouth curling
that exchanged the message - the interest
there was no contemplation
or no hestitation
just love in actions
love without fractions
in subtle communication...

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Goals are ... mine

I would like to be a shining star in everything I do. I think everyone should have similar aspirations too. I believe I was born like this and I have continued the trend. What helps my self esteem? I am not sure.

So why would anyone aspire to be less? When we look at people just at a glance, we may feel that someone has low esteem and self worth. However, you do not know where their goals really lie. Some people do not aspire for greatness in their profession, but in their family life or in their community roles. Some people may aspire to be the sexiest person alive. Who are we to judge?

We would all want to think that everyone aspires to be perfect like many of us pretend to be. Many people just want to live and make it through the rough days. Of course, they may want the house on the hill but if all we can afford is the shack on the bottom - and it's safe enough - then we are living!

Everyone has to know their intimate thoughts. Get in tune with yourself and think about what you want in life. No one can dictate what you dream to be. A positive role model, a spouse, a good friend, a counsellor or a pastor may give you good advice but only you can chart your course to success.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Supermarket Shopping Tips: Buy the Best Fruits from the Store

Fruits are essential in everyone's diet. Choose the best ones from the market to enjoy the fruits and to save money while grocery shopping.

Fruits provide many nutrients that people need from their daily consumption of food. As fruits are perishable, it is important to select the best ones when grocery shopping at the market. A careful eye must be given to tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, papayas. Fruits that are overripe or blemished can be used in recipes or juices but it always better to select the best first to save money.

What to Look for When Buying Fruits at the Grocery Store
Look for the best quality fruits at the supermarket to save money. Any small amount of wastage can be considered lost money. Find fruits that look fresh, are free of bruises and appear disease free. Ignore fruits that look, feel or smell overripe. Oranges should be round and firm without sunken spots. Also, apples should not have soft spots. Grapes on a bunch should all look fresh and firm. Feel free to ask a clerk if the fruits are fresh and when the market will restock its produce aisles.

buying Bananas from the Grocery Store
People who live in the Caribbean today purchase bananas for cooking and for ripening. The green bananas are cooked and used a starch with steamed fish or salted fish. These green bananas should be fully green with no hint of ripening. Bananas sold as ripe bananas will be much more yellow and full in appearance. Look for ripe bananas that are free of blemishes and bruises but are not overripe or too
soft. A soft or bruised banana is still edible but if several pieces have to be cut of before eating, there will be money going to waste unless the fruit is used for juicing or in banana bread.

Enjoy Mangoes From the Market
Mangoes are a celebrated fruit as there are festivals held in several places such as the British Virgin Islands, India, Miami and Antigua that highlight the mango. While mangoes are so tasty, when purchasing look for small holes, dark spots and bruises. Bruises mean that the mango fell during harvesting and a bruise will cause a soft spot. Dark spots could mean an anthracnose infection in the fruit tree. A fruit with any small holes should be avoided because this could be the presence of worms or the Mango Seed Weevil Larvae. In some cases, mangoes will not show the presence of any pests until ripening so be sure to carefully select mangoes that are slightly softer or more closer to fully ripening.

Buy the Right Papayas from the Supermarket
Papayas are another tropical fruit that are very nutritious and tasty. Similar to the bananas, Caribbean people boil the green papayas and eat the ripe ones fresh or they juice the fruit. Green papayas should be green without any coloring on the skin. Papayas bought for ripening at the market should have orange coloring showing that the fruit will soon ripe. To advance ripening, place in a dark cupboard or in a paper bag for a couple days. Greer also notes that with a ripe papaya, the "flesh will give slightly when fruit (is) pressed in palm of hand". Papayas are also susceptible to the anthracnose infection, so be sure to inspect the skin closely for any dark or sunken spots.

When purchasing fruits from the supermarket, look for the best quality. Avoid any obvious flaws in the fruit to save money. Find bananas, papayas, mangoes or other fruits that are free of bruises and blemishes so that your family enjoys the fruits bought at the supermarket.

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt