Showing posts with label suite101. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suite101. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

How Do You Deal with Opportunity or Obstacles

Life can present challenges daily. However, it’s how we handle the challenges. Do we run from obstacles or do we face them head on? There will always be difficult decisions to be made and hard struggles to overcome. It’s your outlook on life and how quickly you can recover from a particular fall.

What I have noticed is that money really causes fall out between people. Most challenges, issues, bickering etc stem out of money problems. If your cousin is trying to sell all the family land without permission, he most likely needs money or is just greedy. Sometimes we need money because we want to keep up with other people who seem to be doing well. Remember, most people are not doing as well as they may seem to. It’s all a façade to give the impression that things are so great when they are not.

Why do we have to pretend to be doing better than we actually are? Is it fair for us to set our course in life by trying to impress others? I would not say that I wouldn’t want to be a role model for others, but I have to live according to what God gives me and by using the intellect that he has blessed me with. I like finding new opportunities that fit well within my niche.

For example, writing for Suite101 is an absolute pleasure for me. I can write on varied topics and about the things I love and enjoy. The income was not so much a factor for me but every little bit counts. I wanted to build a repertoire of writings and I am able to make some pocket change at the same time.

On the other hand, I face obstacles and problems in everyday life – with my family, on the job and sometimes by just walking down the street. In some cases, I write people off. When you are cut off from me, you are truly severed. I may not curse and fight but you’ll be shut off. The people I curse and fuss with are the ones is many cases the ones that I value. I know it’s odd but sometimes they are the ones I really need to listen to or the ones who may need to listen to me.

However you choose to live your life is your businesses but I will live mine the best way I can. I never want to be rich but I would like to be comfortable in having the basic amenities. I don’t need to go to the club or the movies to prove to you that I can hang if I know I can’t afford to put dinner on the table for the children.

It’s how you live, take opportunity and face challenges that makes your definition.
