Sunday, July 24, 2022

My Brothers' Keepers: The Power of Influence and Inspiration

We are just over the midyear point of 2022. I feel so blessed to be alive, although we are experiencing some tough times. Despite the many challenges and threats, we still are blessed.

Over the past few weeks, I have focused more on poetry. I entered a few international competitions and have shared two pieces on my YouTube page. I wanted to do a little more with my poetry by expanding my audience. I had other thoughts I could share on the blog but was not inspired to write prose or opinion.

In addition to my family and work circles, I thank Ann Harikeerthan, Jamila Banister, Dale Pilgrim-Wade of the CaribHRForum, Genevra Maduro - my cousin, Paul Keefe, Dr. Allison Flax-Archer, Joan Underwood, and Dr. Dierdra Wheatley-Peters for always encouraging me during 2022 whether for poetry, career aspirations or my overall growth. We underestimate the importance of having people who encourage you to reach for your goals. These colleagues always give encouraging words or inspire me through their journey.

At a recent award ceremony, the host opened the floor for attendees to share words of encouragement. I hesitated, but I spoke to the young people about being focused, having fun, and being open to failure - not as a negative but as part of the growth process. I was also able to facilitate a young person in achieving a goal that will assist with career development. I have expanded my farm offerings and will focus on specialty crops.

After reading the penultimate paragraph, you may think these are minor matters. However, I count each one as a win! Therefore, I feel more inspired to inspire others. I see the importance of paying it forward.

I do not speak of my journey often, but I want to share that I have always had to fight for my rights. However, this makes me more resilient, curious, and solution-oriented. I will share more of these experiences with others and on my blog.

I've shared this post as a contract to myself to use any opportunity that I get to:
  • encourage someone
  • help someone with their academics
  • be a positive role model.
The people I mentioned earlier are all positive influencers, trendsetters, and mentors. My family is my core support system, and I value their input and encouragement.

If you can be a positive influence on someone, please reach out and assist. Remember, we are our brothers' keepers.


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Recorded POEM: What I Have to Give

 I recorded "What I Have to Give" today. This poem was written in 2012. I may record a love poem next month. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

POEM: values

too much praise and emphasis on
but not with the right measurements

measuring the costs and riches
feeding and educating the poor children

how will we know our history and build a
foundation and the essential tools of life?

when we ignore the elders and nature and
solely and strongly in things designed to blind us

to make us forget about our ancestors’ sacrifice, pride
and zest
all relayed to us in our culture and freedom

their unity and prosperity earned by their sacrifice
to teach
us values - not in measurements but in principles

© Linette Rabsatt

This poem is over ten (10) years old. I don't even know when I wrote it. I was looking for another piece and came across it. I never really shared it because I didn't think it was a good piece. When I read this poem today, I viewed it through different lenses. My concerns when I wrote this poem are the same or more stressful today. This poem is a simple piece that does not have many literary devices. Even with the one-word lines, there is no code or hidden message. By the way, I purposely wrote the title in lower case.

These are the reasons I love poetry. I get the opportunity to create something different every time.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

POEM: Time Will Continue On

If I could turn back the hands of time
I still wouldn't
because his story or her story
are exactly what they are
I have to live my story
chart my legacy and make the impact
that I am destined to live
and it is the same for you
so use your talents and your inspiration
to inspire and penetrate the nations
with positive thoughts and deeds
reminisce - yes
bask in the nostalgia - sure
enjoy that deja vu moment - might as well
but know that time is your friend
never your enemy
it is going to continue
without you and without me
so rather than hold the hurt
or worry over a mistake
take time to see how great time has treated you
and be thankful for all the loved ones around you
because even if you wanted to press pause
you can't
so use your time wisely
enjoy the big and small moments
because time will continue on

ⓒ Linette Rabsatt

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt