Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year from Words of Ribbon with 10 Tips

Happy 2022!

I wish you all the best for 2022 and beyond! We can only hope for the best and put our best foot forward.
  1. Moving forward, I recommend these ten (10) tips:
  2. Expect challenges and use them as learning and growth teachings
  3. Decide if an argument is worth it - put your energy to better use
  4. Take care of your health - it is your wealth
  5. Go easy on the 'sluxxin' - enjoy your food but go easy on the overeating and binge foods
  6. Find some way to keep active and exercise - the internet provides so many suggestions
  7. Balance family and work - family first!
  8. Take every opportunity to learn something new
  9. Step out of your comfort zone - reach for what you desire!
  10. Use social media wisely - sell stuff, promote your brand/reputation, connect with loved ones
  11. Don't stifle yourself - shut out the negative self-talk and refer to #8
I have stopped making New Year's Resolutions for some time. I believe that we should do our best consistently. I don't subscribe to marking a date for making a change. Just do it! However, if that works for you, go forward.

We are all works in progress. Live, love, and learn.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

POEM: Playing with Words

I went searching for peace
but it left me in pieces
shreds, shards, slivers
like it was a tickle in my liver
and my heart started to quiver
I know I want to be a cheerful giver
living my best life as
upfront, fun and audacious
in my mind so spacious
and with nature so gracious
but I shed tears
I live in fear
and as the sun shines
I stare
directly into it
it's no blitz, no grit and no stitch
I twitch on this journey
and can't switch off the sounds
of the flowers swaying
because no one listens to what I'm saying
and you know I'm not playing
but yet I am playing with words

© Linette Rabsatt

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Our Differing Perspectives and Going Forward on Your Journey

While I was going through my garden this morning, I thought about a conversation with a colleague. I encouraged the person to participate in activities and events outside their scope to stay on the radar for promotions or other opportunities. My colleague responded that prior performance should speak for itself. I also understood that perspective.

I also reflected on a recent post by Joan Underwood that she shared about relationship building blocks. Joan related that an action she took, which most persons consider good practice, was not well received by a colleague. She complimented a team member during a meeting, but the colleague preferred a more subtle form of recognition.

As I considered Joan's post, my random thoughts included:
  1. I need to be more considerate of my colleagues' feelings.
  2. Have I been getting too involved in activities outside of my scope?
  3. Can we rely on past experiences to propel our future advancement?
  4. Have I been too pushy to colleagues?
  5. How can we continue to foster a development culture?
While I understand my colleague, I think that continuing to get involved in activities outside of your job description is helpful once your work does not suffer. Since I re-joined the Public Service in the British Virgin Islands in 2009, I have participated in numerous activities. I am very thankful for the opportunities because I achieved a Master of Public Administration degree and my current appointment. I serve as a testimony of the benefits of getting involved and stepping outside of my job description.

I don't expect another persons' journey to be the same as mine. Everyone develops differently, has different backgrounds and ideals, and has varying values. The nature of your area of work may bring opportunities within your current job or for entrepreneurship. You have to continue your journey.

What has worked for me?
  • knowing when to say no
  • being open to working outside my job description
  • being open to learning
  • making connections within my agency and outside
  • remaining professional
  • remaining customer-focused
  • trying to take others on the growth journey
  • treating everyone with respect
Continue to shine in your area. If you get an opportunity to share your talents in another area temporarily, try it! If you struggle in your area, ask for help or development, or consider asking for reassignment. You may not be the right fit for that role, and it is okay. Look for those growth opportunities on or off the job, and always do your best!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

POEM: The Christmas Debate

When you read my bio on my blog, I introduce myself as mother of two, poet etc. I am an HR Professional at heart because I love developing people. However, I need my creative outlet which is my poetry. I connect with nature through my garden which is my afternoon and weekend delight.

I wrote this poem, "The Christmas Debate" a few years ago. I performed it for the first time at the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School for a Christmas Concert. Then, last year, I decided to contribute to the tart wars by sharing it on Facebook. In the BVI, we love tarts which are traditionally filled with either pineapple, coconut, guavaberry or guava. We have enhanced our culinary pursuits and have added soursop, carambola and other flavors.

View the video and let me know what you think. I don't just debate tart but other Christmas traditions that we hold dear.

The Christmas Debate
Written and Performed by LA Rabsatt
Instrumental by Keishaun Julien 🇹🇹
Produced by Anthony
**No tarts or tart lovers have been harmed in the production of this video**
I do not own the rights to this music

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Random Thought: Do You Love What You Feel?

I think that when Chaka Khan and Rufus sang, "Do You Love What You Feel," they were focused on love and passion. However, I realize that it is deeper than love - it is life. When you enjoy what you do, you excel.

As I review my career, I feel I am more settled today. However, I am not at my ideal. When I was immature, I would call in sick or be tardy. Then, I would seek another opportunity. I was young with no obligations. I was not stressed or unhappy.

Today, I have children and bills, so I keep pushing. I work hard, and I do extra. I earn a better living than I did before I had children. But, I am not at the ideal. So more obligations have brought a better salary but more frustration.

COVID-19 has opened opportunities for learning and growth. Yet, I leave the training sessions and resume duty feeling more frustrated because I can not implement what I have learned. Let's compare this to the itch that one cannot scratch.

I listen to many persons say, "just be thankful that you have a job." I think our managers/leaders should be thankful for us! While they can't pay financial rewards due to current challenges, saying thank you is never out of style.

I said all of the above for a reason. I need to love what I feel when it comes to my career and personal development. I love learning, my colleagues, our opportunities for growth, our creativity, and our potential. So I think my frustration is that I don't love the frustration/confusion. I want to love my path and vision.

So today, I pledge to love what I feel. I promise to correct what I can. I agree to walk away before I let toxic relations affect my mental health and my behaviors.

I have to love what I feel, whether relationships, my career, or my interests.

Do you love what you feel?

Friday, November 5, 2021

Have You Ever Heard a Colleague Cry on the Job?

Have you ever heard any employee or colleague cry? Earlier in my career, I would never fathom this in a professional setting. More recently, I have teared up on my job, and I have witnessed others break down. So what is happening to us? Are we so scared to speak up that we internalize these stresses until we break down?

In the BVI, we contended with the 2017 hurricanes, and since March 2020, we have struggled with COVID-19. Could the impact of these traumas cause us to become more emotional and sensitive? Are our leaders becoming less caring and empathetic and so outcome-driven that we break under toxic work environments?

I am no expert and have no answer. However, I know that we are struggling. I often feel like I am stuck and frustrated. I feel unable to meet some objectives - not because I am incapable but because of a lack of proper systems and human and technological resources. I will not tear up for this. However, I get angry, especially when other areas achieve their goals and receive facilities. I vent when I see leaders wasting resources that we can use for greater efficiency.

I have come close to tears when I become empathetic. Working in human resources is not for the light-hearted. I often need to pull away and rejuvenate. As others unload, I process and try to help. I know I cannot take on everyone's burdens, but I often provide a shoulder and support. The worst experience I have had is hearing someone plead for a different opportunity due to an unpleasant working situation. I could not help. I often wonder what I would have done if I were in a similar circumstance.

Considerations are different for everyone, and although we see bright and beautiful faces in our workplaces, many persons are hurting. COVID-19 shifted our normalcy into remote learning and work, unemployment, short-term and long-term effects of illness, loss of loved ones, and disconnection to loved ones. We struggled in July and August 2021 when the territory lost 36 persons to COVID-19. Living in a small community brings these tragedies closer because we know many persons or their relatives. It was a difficult time.

Let us consider persons dealing with work and personal stresses simultaneously. While only a few talk about it, mental health remains a concern. I continue to remind you that we are our brother's keeper. Until we emulate brotherly love over perfection in a workspace, we continue to endorse toxic work environments.

I encourage persons to seek professional or pastoral assistance when they become so emotional. I often retreat to my garden with music to destress. We all need an outlet, and I encourage you to secure yours - and make it enjoyable!


Monday, October 25, 2021

POEM: When the Music Hits You

when the music hits you
and even if you trip
pump your fists
wiggle your hips
jiggle your arms
like love kissed you
turned you around
and surrounded you
with peace
and happiness
feel the vibrations
capture the moment
with movement
off or on the beat
move your feet
release your fears
and when the music hits you
and even if you trip
pump your fists
wiggle your hips
jiggle your arms

Ⓒ Linette Rabsatt

Sunday, October 17, 2021

POEM: A Better Life by Linette Rabsatt performed at the 2021 World Food Day Ceremony

This is my latest poem, "A Better Life," performed for the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries' 2021 World Food Day Ceremony. You can view the full ceremony at

Saturday, October 9, 2021

POEM: Intense Analysis

Some say I came from an ape
then I was like sheep to slaughter
enslaved and treated like a mule
to work like I had no value
other than being a tool
to make a next man rich
then I became a goat
and I broke the barriers
jumped the gate
and escaped
modern days today
and now I am back in 
sheep mode
falling for the criticisms
bad information
pretty much enslaved
while some say
the sheep mode
is good because Jesus
saved the 100th sheep
who was lost
while some literally
treat me as a horse
as a debate rages on
really and truly
I want to be more like a bird
flying free
or like a bee
a pollinator
but after all
we are humans
supposedly the highest order
but more living
in disorder
jealousy, hatred
and maladministration
in the age of information
we have regressed
lost that progress
from the supposed 
ape age
the primintive time
when we were resilient
and more silent
how will we find
ourselves again?

Thursday, October 7, 2021

New Video from Koffee - West Indies (Official Video)

I am loving this track and video:
  • high energy
  • penetrating vibe
  • video showing some really cool island scenes
  • real 'West Indian' flavor with the food and the family
I need to hear this song today! Thank you, Koffee for "West Indies."

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Words are Powerful: How Do You Use Your Tongue?

Do you think that there is power in your tongue?

The Bible gives us several references about our tongues and the power they possess. Read:
  • 1 Peter 3:10: For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech...."
  • Proverbs 10:19: Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
  • Proverbs 15:4: The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
  • Proverbs 21:23: Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.
Although we have multiple translations of the Bible, we should have no difficulty understanding what these verses and other similar ones are saying. We ought to keep our conversations positive and refrain from defamation, negativity, and gossip.

I take this advice even more seriously because we impact people with the things that we say. While we may want to deny it, the people in our circle play a role in influencing our choices or aversions. Due to the nature of the interaction, our educators, religious leaders, coworkers, and social media contacts impact us more than we think.

Education System
Do you remember that teacher who saw your potential and encouraged you to try something? I fondly remember joining an English Literature class at the University of the Virgin Islands - apprehensive because I struggled with Literature in High School. The lecturer, Dr. Vincent Cooper, awakened my interest in the subject because he was engaging. He asked us to write a few poems for assignments, for which I was not confident. However, surprisingly, he gave me positive feedback and encouraged me to keep writing. Twenty-five years later, I have a catalog of several hundred poems.

Conversely, we have friends and colleagues who have had opposite experiences with educators. The words that we utter to others, especially young people, can have lasting effects. I know someone who recalls the negative words spoken about his ability to learn. Thankfully, he persevered and has become a positive role model to others. Therefore, we need to ensure that we need to remember our purpose in developing others.

I thrive in a workplace where my talents are recognized, encouraged, and developed. I do not want my manager to micromanage, and I never want to be an overbearing manager. Unfortunately, we have managers who berate employees and harbor a toxic atmosphere in the workplace. Even a positive and energetic employee will eventually break or leave. I remember visiting an establishment and hearing the manager cursing the employees. I was very embarrassed. Most of the employees left eventually because the manager did not understand how to communicate.

Employees do underperform, waste resources or do not follow instructions. However, leaders need to communicate with their teams! Yelling or insulting employees will not help them improve; instead, they will resign or retaliate.

I know you may be surprised because I started the article with scriptures. However, we have a few persons in these organizations who can be brutal too. We often feel that we are frank, but most often, we are mean. We disapprove of superficial things like appearance, ability or inability to pay tithes, denomination, career choice, ethnicity, or family heritage. Instead, we need to be more inclusive, understanding, and encouraging. I will take constructive criticism over an insult. What about you? I am not saying that religious leaders should condone what they know to be immoral, unethical, or illegal in their congregations. They should be nurturing the adherents to live right by being excellent role models in their words and actions.

Social Media
Social Media has enabled us to take freedom of speech to another level. People feel they can say anything, tag anyone and make other persons look bad. Sometimes, I see persons post experiences or ask questions, and they are insulted or scolded. I never post a negative response; I either send a private message or provide an answer to assist them.
I am not perfect. I get annoyed with people (more often lately), especially when I know they know better. I try not to hurt them, but sometimes, I have to be blunt. I have people insult my choices, my hair, my work, and my poetry. However, I learned a long time ago that my happiness is not determinant on anyone else. I have grown to understand that my words are powerful, and if I use them correctly, I can be a catalyst for positive change.

Remember, you hold power in your speech. Do not push negative agendas or deter others from seeking to improve themselves. Use your words wisely to influence positive change!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Advice I Needed to Hear When I was Young

In the past few days, I had to speak to several young persons concerning jobs and life in general. I knew one from when he was younger, and I have never met the other. Both persons thanked me for sharing some unsolicited advice with them. As I reflect, I remember getting random advice and good counsel when I was their age, but that was when I had messed up or was about to.

As you may have figured out, I am always chatting with Dr. Dierdra Wheatley-Peters, and we have been throwing around ideas on how we can encourage our youth in the community. When we messaged each other today, I shared that I wanted to write something along these lines because I wish someone had advised me differently. Some persons have written about what they would say to their younger selves, but I wanted to share my perspective. My story is not very unique, neither is it typical. I am grateful for every experience because I have grown tremendously.

To my younger self:

1. Think Career over Job
When I was sixteen (16), I was confident that I would be an accountant. After one (1) semester at the University of the Virgin Islands, I changed my major. I earned exceptional grades in high school in accounting. However, I realize that I just like mathematics and accounts for the challenge of finding the answer or balancing. I switched my major to marketing because it seemed fun, and I loved being creative.

Therefore, I would tell any young person to sit and speak with persons in their field of interest. Research locally, regionally, and internationally about the opportunities and what the work entails. Request an unpaid internship to get the experience. Today, I am advising my children to pursue what they love. We have to start getting work experience somewhere, but you must keep your career goal in mind. Also, if you change your mind about your career path, it is okay. I've gone from accounting to marketing, but I am a human resources professional and writer (after struggling with English classes).

2. Put Romantic Relationships on Pause
I did get this advice because adults would tell me not to get pregnant. Instead, I think they needed to inspire me to love myself and not to get emotionally attached. I needed to hear that a man did not define me. Someone needed to tell me that I should put my love into building me.

At that time, I needed to hone my craft and become the exceptional me. I agreed with Teddy Pendergrass when he sang, "So good, good lovin' somebody and somebody loves you back." However, at that age, I needed to love myself and improve my wellbeing.

3. Embrace Your Brand
I tried to follow trends to feel a part of something or to belong. Anyone who knows me today knows that I set my trends. The bracelets I wear, as I typed this, were made by my daughter. I upcycled a broken watch into a bracelet with colored pebbles. Back then, I would have wanted to fit in. I changed my hair and damaged it to please people. I encourage young people today: be your beautiful self and set trends. Build your brand and be confident with it.

4. Do More Volunteering
The old people used to say, "had a been know never come in front." It was only recently that the BVI mandated that all graduating high school seniors complete 120 hours of community service. When I first went to UVI in 1995, my sisters were in the process of completing their community service hours as a graduating requirement. I wished that I had that experience.

The benefits of volunteering include job experience and access to references who can attest to your work ethic. You also have the fulfillment of doing something meaningful. Some parents were opposed to the community service requirement in the BVI; however, the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages. We may claim that performing the hours is time-consuming, but it is time well spent. It also opens job opportunities.

5. Stand Up and Take Action
As a child, I was an extrovert. After going to high school, I pulled into a shell. Even today, I am the quiet voice in a crowded room. I would tell my younger self to voice opinions and take more risks. Somehow we become shy and reactive. I do not know if it is the harsh criticism we often give each other. It could be adults or persons in seniority disregard the opinions of the young people, inexperienced or subordinate. Sometimes our best innovations come from a novice.

So I would tell any young person today to share your ideas and your talents. Please be respectful but do not bottle up your inspiration. We allow children to showcase their amazing imaginations in primary school. So what happens when we become adults? We let people influence us to hide our imaginations and conform to the norms. Continue to dream! Do articulate your ideas to persons who will appreciate your viewpoint and who can implement your suggestions.

6. "Not Every Skin Teeth is a Smile"
I am sure every Caribbean island has a version of this colloquialism. Per The Virgin Islands Dictionary, 'skin teet' means "to smile widely and often." The saying tells us to be mindful of persons who may seem pleasant. They may have bad intentions. You would not expect anything negative because the person will seem genuine.

I was told this but never understood until I started working. I watched one of my appointment letters circulate in an office by persons who warmly greeted me on my first day. I would not have expected that from seasoned professionals. I have learned well, and I would never do that to another person.

I shared the top six (6) things that I wish someone had shared with me when I was younger. Do you agree? What would you add or subtract? Will you advise young people within your reach to consider similar to what I have shared?

One hymn line that has stuck with me is "it only takes a spark to get the fire going." Let's ignite a fire of passion, confidence, and critical thinking in our youth. Each adult has something that they can share to encourage some young person. Please be mindful of your approach and do not overdo it or bombard the person. Share your story so that your listeners can understand the context. Go out and inspire a young person today.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Birthday Inspiration: Seven Insights I Have Gained as I Have Grown

I have not had a hard life. I have faced struggles; however, I was never hungry, homeless, or abused. I have made many mistakes. I have overthought, reacted too quickly, and upset people that I love. I have said things that I should not have said. I have also ignored issues or danced around them. I know I am not perfect, and I never strive to be. I aim to do my best, and I encourage others to excel. I have garnered many lessons along this journey, some of which I may have shared in this blog before.

This blog has helped me in several ways. I have improved my writing, expanded my poetry portfolio, and shared ideas. I wrote this post today on my birthday because I wanted to share some insights that I have gained. I welcome your responses and ideas.
  1. Sometimes, a hasty response is the right one. I know that we often react quickly and in anger. That quick reaction may have been what was needed! I'll caution you to read over a message before sending or think through a verbal response before speaking.
  2. If you are in customer service, respond to your customers! We also need timely responses that answer our questions and offer viable suggestions.
  3. Do encourage your children to dream, participate and shine in all they do. Foster their interests into entrepreneurial pursuits and let them perform community service - even more than their school requires. Also, inspire them to widen their scope and expertise by encouraging them to participate in competitions in their areas of interest.
  4. If you do your children's schoolwork, stop it. You are setting your children up for failure. Guide them, proofread, show examples and work with them step by step. Please do not do their work for them,
  5. Make a connection with your supervisor or manager. I am not saying to 'kiss up' or get romantically involved with your manager. Instead, ensure that you understand the expectations and you clarify yours. As I got older, I realized the importance of keeping the communication lines open with my managers. You do not have to share your private affairs. However, you need to let your manager know if something is happening that will affect your performance.
  6. COVID-19 has taught us that we are not immune to change and we must adapt. In February 2021, I was in denial about mask-wearing and school closures in the Caribbean. However, this pandemic has affected us greatly as we have lost loved ones. Therefore, we must adapt our culture and behaviors to survive and live. Follow the protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  7. Your growth and success depend on you! Many people wait for their families, teachers, the government, their managers, or religious leaders to help them to chart their future. These persons can guide, teach, coach, and mentor you, but you are responsible for your outcome. You have to put in the work to enjoy success. Get up and get started today!
I like to think of life as a journey with pitstops, pitfalls, and potholes. Every experience, good or bad, is a learning one. We all face struggles and challenges; however, our responses and coping ability get us through the problems. If you find that you cannot cope, please get help from your pastor, a trusted friend, or a counselor.

Engage in positive conversations and keep in touch with persons who are going to encourage your growth! Remember to recognize your struggles and work within and around them. Congratulate yourself for small wins! Laugh, dance, sing, and love!


Thursday, September 2, 2021

When Change is Inefficient

I have spent most of this week frustrated - not because of COVID-19, any illnesses, financial challenges, or school reopening. Instead, my frustration stems from broken systems. I understand and support change and will continue to encourage adaptability and transformation. However, systems fail when we do not evaluate our progress or pay attention to data or complaints.

No process or system should become so frustrating to make someone want to change their career, venue, or address. So what are we doing wrong? We are complicating things that should be simple. We communicate vaguely and without certainty and confidence. Also, while our ideas are often excellent, we do not take time to determine what the real issues are. We love to bandage and over-treat minor cuts; while we stuff an open wound with cotton!

So, what do we need to do differently? First, we need to listen to the stakeholders - the persons involved in the processes. They are the ones who have to deal with the new forms, amended processes, or abstract decisions. Secondly, we need to determine what the problems are. Is it the people, the process, the resources, the shifting culture, technology, or something else?

After determining the problem(s), then it is time to determine the direction. What works in other similar areas, and how can we tweak it to suit our culture? Of course, we have to get buy-in from our people, which means having discussions and data collection to get feedback. Remember, we want and need feedback, not just people's buy-in.

We have continuously made the mistake of relying on someone's fleeting dream to lead our development and transformation. It is no longer acceptable as we have a generation to prepare for whose needs are different.

Once something is implemented, we cannot forget to step back and evaluate what has happened. How are people being affected by this change? Has there been any improvement? I spend a lot of time griping about things that could be smoother, more organized, and more efficient. The only power I have is my ability to complain. I do not like to call it complaining; instead, I offer feedback and suggestions.

No change aimed for the better should cause hysteria, frustration, or a blow to morale. We have to recognize when something is not working and be willing and ready to revamp. As we tweak, we must keep the stakeholders updated.

Of course, when we do not listen to the stakeholders, we see the effects of brain drain in the jurisdiction, high turnover in organizations or industries, decrease in GDP, increased crime and mental health issues, etc.

As Andy Stanley has stated, "Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing helpful to say."

I will continue to be an active stakeholder and share my concerns and suggestions.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

POEM: You are Valuable

In life
sometimes we are treated
like a crutch or a crotch
and while we may want
to retaliate or reciprocate
maybe it's a matter of fate
and having faith
letting things flow
letting things go
so we can be move on
move out
move around
move south
wherever there is peace
and piece of mind
because time is
when waste is debated
you are not a backup plan
or a last minute meal
like a can of Spam
or like an email full of spam
you are someone special
not a crutch
and certainly not a crotch
your efforts
your time
your caring
your sincerity
are valuable
so stand out
stand up
make the best choices
for you
and let no one
bridle your voice
insult your style
 or waste your talent
so take flight
and be great

© Linette Rabsatt

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

POEM: I Envision

I want to sit as a perfect rose
unblemished with no holes
I wish to be a like a turtle dove
free, respected and full of love
I hope to be like a river
flowing, running but can cause shivers
I dream of being a cloud
unbounded and without sound
I perceive being a precious jewel
cherished, valued and secluded
I see myself as an idea
unique, creative and full of flair
I envision myself as seed
growing, nurturing and able to feed
I want
I wish
I hope
I dream
I perceive
I see
I envision
I have a vision
I see me
an idea, an article
a child, an ancestor
an orator, a nurturer
a vision
a visionary
ready to share
ready to serve

© Linette Rabsatt

Monday, July 19, 2021

My Thoughts on COVID-19 in the BVI in July 2021

I wrote my first blog post about the COVID-19 pandemic in the BVI in March 2020. As I write today, things have definitely changed in our small territory. We have had a significant rise in cases over the past few weeks, and families have lost loved ones.

The government increased its efforts to suppress the spread of this deadly virus through curfew, contact tracing, stay-at-home orders, vaccination, etc. However, many people remain skeptical about vaccines, doctors, and COVID-19. Many have shared articles and videos which discredit the work of our health team. Some share misinformation through airwaves and social media. We also have confusion within religious sects about the true nature of the disease and concerns about taking COVID-19 vaccines.

People are also debating about natural remedies, which I also use. However, I strongly encourage persons to consult with their doctors about bush medicine if they use prescription medication. Bush medicine used incorrectly, such as using too many leaves or boiling instead of steeping, could have an adverse reaction based on your medical condition or medication.

I am an advocate for vaccines because statistics reflect that they reduce hospitalizations and death. However, I am concerned about living costs and the weak national health insurance system and healthcare structure. Many people cannot afford healthcare. The factors I have shared have contributed to a situation where we are losing loved ones, and many others struggle to stay alive.

What is not working?
  • sharing pictures of persons' loved ones without confirmation
  • arguing about vaccination
  • bullying others to believe in your views
  • not reading credible information
  • not listening to our medical professionals
  • not wearing your masks
  • discrediting the work of the healthcare professionals
  • not sanitizing
  • being impatient with dealing with the protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • not adhering to curfew
  • waiting too long to get help when sick
  • being disrespectful to healthcare workers or contact tracers

What is working?
  • getting vaccinated
  • prayer
  • being understanding to families who are worried or grieving
  • checking in with family and friends
  • respecting the health care team
  • proactive lifestyle changes, including exercise
  • listening to our medical professionals
  • getting advice from your doctor on whether to get vaccinated
  • infusing natural remedies after consulting with your doctor
Over these past few days, I have felt broken as I hear about persons who have passed on. I can only imagine what their families are feeling. I have been close to tears several times over the past few days, even though I do not know everyone who passed. Knowing that someone lost a beloved family member is enough to tear at my heart.

I hope that people would wise up and think carefully about their options right now. COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory. Some people have medical concerns, and I encourage them to speak to their doctors. If someone chooses not to be vaccinated, we must respect their decision. In turn, they must respect vaccinated persons' right to choose as well. Further, we all must adhere to the protocols given by the government.

Employers are making decisions that persons in the community do not support; however, every employer has to safeguard both employees and their customers. As we navigate the parameters of workplaces mandating vaccination, we must first consider the health and safety of every person who enters that establishment. Employers also have to consider how they organize workspaces, limit customer interactions and enable remote capabilities, where possible.

Everyone's focus right now should be prayer, eating well, exercise, enjoying hobbies, and sharing love and encouragement with others. We also must respect each other and be our brothers' keepers.

Friday, June 25, 2021

POEM: Point of Clarity

we often say it's obvious
when others are oblivious
when it's surely conspicuous
Isn't it ridiculous when we miss the point
or maybe I need to ask the Lord to anoint
my head with wisdom
so my cup can overflow
but some will still never know
or even go the extra length
to figure anything out
yet we run our mouths
and spread incorrect information
most often defamation
which ends up in litigation
maybe they just need some libation
and some hibernation
so we don't have to be in consternation
or constipation
instead let us use our inclination
to find the point of clarity

© Linette Rabsatt

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Poem: Salty

When I take a certain slant,
take a step back
because the fire is raging
and there are no phases
to predict what I'll do next.
Get ready to get vexed,
get steady because I'm set
to speak and elaborate
and I may not contemplate
who gets touched by the words.
You know words dig like swords
but they only hurt if you are guilty
and it's okay if you don't speak to me
because we've been holding on,
we've been holding back,
we've been accepting slack,
and no longer can keep track
and want to paint everybody black - 
but not anymore.
So if this stings like a crusted sore,
just know that the crust
is a sign of a healing touch,
repair in progress -
function without regret.
So get set and get ready
for the revolution ahead of you.

© Linette Rabsatt

Saturday, May 29, 2021

BVI 2021 Qua-Rap-Tine Battle - And the Winner is...

2021 Qua-rap-tine battle
The finals of the 2021 Qua-Rap-Tine Battle debuted live on Facebook on Friday, May 28, 2021. Everyone was highly anticipating the performances from the three finalists, Deh Flippaz, Dink Dawg, and Buggz. Based on the previous rounds, these three rappers showed consistency, smooth flow, devastating punch lines, and tenacity.

Changes to the Battle
In the finals, the organizers made some changes. In the previous rounds, the rappers were able to submit their videos separately. However, for the finals, all the artistes performed in one space. In addition, we saw Reset and Killa Tooma joining PDB, Monéa, and PNDRN as judges.

: As usual, Buggz showed his lyrical content and hype energy. This rapper has a distinctive voice that he uses well. He started with, "We run things, things no run we, one winner that's a fact, nobody could first me, so trust me, I get them choke off like I gusty." He closed with, "Cause my lyricsdem too potent, got them bazzidy, is SSG cheerleader and Marley's head chef, coulda never beat me, Buggz Blase be the best."

Dink Dawg: Dink Dawg has a distinctive voice and performance style. He commenced with, "Mop sticks and brooms, clean up District one to the eight, a lot of crying, a lot of hate, but no one to retaliate, just a boat ride away, but crime no sleep so I don't stray." As this rapper got more into the instrumental, he switched flow which improved his performance. He added, "I let off one in your dome, watch the whole thing explode, your boy trained to go, done send home two pappy show, Celeb just let them man know, I done beat two, they send more."

Deh Flippaz: Deh Flippaz remained consistent throughout the competition, and his performance in the final round did not disappoint. This rapper began with, "Who they send for lunch today, Dinky Dawg and Buggz Blase, put them on my plate, I'll eat they food, and I could demonstrate, I don't play with kids...." He added, "Smile it looks like open doors, Buggz, you just another chore, I'm the shark out in the deep, y'all the fishes on the shore."

Unanimous Win
The judges' review of the finals reflected a unanimous decision which I also agreed wholeheartedly. They selected Deh Flippaz, also known as Hancho, as the winner. Congratulations to Deh Flippaz for winning the 2021 Qua-Rap-Tine Battle. He maintained hard-hitting and excellent performances throughout three rounds. He would have also topped the popularity polls because everyone knows his capability. I also want to congratulate Buggz and Dink Dawg, who also performed well throughout the battle. A special shoutout also goes out to all the other competitors who participated.

It takes a lot of gumption to put yourself out there for critique. Sharing your talent can create self-doubt and fear of criticism. However, engage in what you love and put your energy into it. Listen to the criticism as well and work hard to improve and hone your talent.

VI music continues to evolve, and people regionally and internationally are noticing our talents. Let us encourage and support the various genres of our music. Remember, tradition remains, but culture continues to evolve.

Deh Flippaz, I look forward to hearing more music from you. Congratulations, and keep sharing that inspiring and entertaining talent.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Using Small Wins to Achieve Success

I think that everyone measures success differently. Some people have to see a significant difference to acknowledge success. I am one of those persons who appreciate small wins. I have recognized that change takes time; therefore, success starts with small steps which propel transformation. Minor changes include personal habits, institutional policies and procedures, and the way that we approach situations.

I wanted to become more fit. During the BVI's first lockdown, I joined a fitness group on Facebook to keep me motivated. I am proud to say that I exercise every day because I developed a positive habit, and I approached exercise through a new motivating factor. I'm hoping that my enthusiasm encourages someone else.

Today, I also consider my journey in the working world as a series of small successes. While I may not have made a significant impact in any organization, my small contributions have assisted with efficiency and transformation. I always want to know how my work contributes to the overall goals. Using this mindset, I have been able to improve my performance over the years. Some people think that they have to be a manager to influence change and bring success. However, remember success is how each of us perceives it. Aim for small wins, whether monthly or quarterly, and you will see how improvements translate over one year.

When it comes to personal development and what personal success looks like, many of us rely on other people's opinions of success. You need to chart your journey and determine where you want to go and how you want to grow. Be content with who you are and understand that you will not achieve every goal you attempt. We have to balance our aspirations with the reality of our situations. So if you want to be able to buy a home, you need to have funds for the deposit and a decent credit score. If you have not been saving and making wise financial decisions, you will find it harder to achieve that goal.

I want to offer these ideas:
  • look at your present situation and consider where you want to see yourself
  • ask yourself, 'how do I get to my ideal?"
  • compile a list of small wins that can help you get to your goal
  • note the stumbling blocks that may arise
  • get started with achieving the small wins

Thursday, May 20, 2021

BVI 2021 Qua-Rap-Tine Battle - Round 2 Recap

We started the 2021 Qua-rap-tine battle with twelve fierce competitors, ready to spit fire, 'throw wrath,' and showcase their unique rapping styles. After the first battle, we saw six (6) rappers eliminated. On Friday, May 14, 2021, the remaining six battled for their chance to make it to the final round. The organizers challenged the rappers to use "vaccine" in their lyrics. Based on the Round 1 performances, I knew we could not underestimate any of the performers. 

We all expected that this round would have been fierce. We also hoped that each competitor would have taken the judges' comments as constructive criticism to sharpen their performance and wordplay. After watching Round 2, I commend the rappers for honing their craft and for sharing their talents. Again, Masa hosted the event and PDB, PNDRN and Monéa served as judges. Here's the recap!

Pun G vs. Buggz
Buggz is definitely not a stranger to music because we know him for his work in ABM. He has a distinctive voice and performance style that he uses to his advantage. This creative rapper has consistent flow and a catchy rhyming style.
Sample lyrics: "I pack a punch like I Rocky, got the placed locked like some natties, who can stop me, they can't top me."

Pun G is a strong competitor who has a smooth delivery and hard-hitting lyrics. He maintained the same deft performance as he did in Round 1, which was evident in the judges' comments. His performance was sound with his distinctive flow.
Sample lyrics: "I pulling in Round 3 with my transportation, windows down cause I moving with no hesitation, if you want to learn to be a boss, registration."

The judges decided:
PDB - Buggz
Monéa- Pun G
PNDRN - Buggz

Shawndehrapper vs. Dink Dawg
Dink Dawg is an upcoming rapper from Virgin Gorda who recently launched a music video for his single, Crocodile Teeth Remix. Dink Dawg's Round 2 performance was more subdued in the delivery; however, he again came hard with his punch lines and wordplay.
Sample Lyrics: "Sit back, relax and watch your boy take the whole show, claim say you real but you real estupido, you just took a loss now you silent like a scarecrow."

Shawndehrapper was one of the youngest competitors in the 2021 Qua-rap-tine battle. He also recently launched a music video for his Beatbox Remix. Shawndehrapper extended himself in Round 2 by showcasing his versatility and flow. He came stronger and came even harder with his lyrics.
Sample lyrics: "Yes I only 15, but I moving like a big G, Yes I am an amateur but I still hitting the big leagues, you say you from the South Side but I never hear them claim you yet and you using other man chain in your video as a flex."

The judges decided:
PDB - Dink Dawg
Monéa- Shawndehrapper
PNDRN - Dink Dawg

Deh Flippaz vs. Ron-G
I happened to see Deh Flippaz before Round 2, and I commended him for his Round 1 performance. In Round 2, he did not disappoint. He has consistently shown his capabilities and his mastery of lyrical flow.
Sample lyrics: "I could do this off the top, so put respect on my name, this is real life rap, and I'm the beast in the cage, want smoke, take a seat and let me blow you in flames."

Ron G has shown consistency in the way he performs and his ability to switch flow. He has a smooth delivery, performance energy, and an extensive vocabulary.
Sample lyrics: "That whip is mine, these n**** talking out of the rentals, I've been painting vivid pictures with a broken stencil, I've been eating my carrots when I count the cabbage."

The judges decided:
PDB - Deh Flippaz
Monéa- Deh Flippaz
PNDRN - Deh Flippaz

Therefore, the rappers advancing to Round 3 are Deh Flippaz, Dink Dawg, and Buggz. Again, I wish the rappers all the best and look forward to their upcoming performances and future work.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

My Thoughts on The Golden Rule

This past week, I chatted with my friend and colleague, Dr. Dierdra Wheatley-Peters, about some of the different challenges that we faced. During the conversation, Dierdra said that life would be better if we abided by the Golden Rule. I smiled and thought it would be something nice to share. Also, I needed something to share with the youth for Youth Sunday, so I felt it would be an appropriate topic.

As I hung laundry one morning, I thought more about the Golden Rule, and I decided to present the topic in threes. I took this approach to keep the presentation concise while giving information that could be useful and relatable. I researched three (3) areas and highlighted three (3) points on applying the Golden Rule in everyday life.

What is the Golden Rule? It simply is that we should treat people the way we want to be treated. Aiming to live by the Golden Rule helps us to become:
  1. humble,
  2. concerned, and
  3. compassionate.

We express our feelings about the Golden Rule in different ways when situations develop. In the Caribbean, we have fables and sayings which depict how we should deal with moral dilemmas. I share these examples of common sayings:
  1. Do so, don’t like so
  2. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes
  3. Don’t give what you can’t take

Three Scriptures
I found scriptures that also promote the Golden Rule concept, which persons who follow Christianity would know. The Bible provides many references to sacrifice, humility, helping others, and sharing, and these should encourage us to be empathetic and considerate. These scriptures embody the Golden Rule:
  1. Matthew 7:12 NRSV: In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.
  2. Leviticus 19:34 KJV: But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
  3. Luke 6:31 NRSV: Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Three Examples
Many times we read scriptures, textbooks, and self-help books and get lost in the vocabulary. Therefore, I wanted to highlight how we can remain embody the Golden Rule in everyday life for thee young people:
  1. In the home – don’t leave your dirty dishes behind for someone else to clean
  2. In school – if you are doing a group project, pull your weight
  3. In the community – don’t litter

I shared this prayer:
Dear God, we thank you for sparing our lives and enabling us to come together as a church family. We ask for your mercies on our young people. Please protect and guide them as they continue to blossom into future leaders in the church and community. Please bless their home circles, their church family, their respective schools, and organizations that they are involved in. Help them to live by the Golden Rule and help us as adults to lead by example as well. This we ask in your name. AMEN

Thursday, May 6, 2021

BVI 2021 Qua-Rap-Tine Battle - Round 1 Round-Up

Last year, the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports hosted the first-ever Qua-rap-tine Battle, which featured several talented local artistes. The 2020 winner was Banco Bizmol, who recently launched his EP, Route 88.

The 2021 Battle includes some of the top contenders from last year, and some new voices. Last year, we heard from four of the current competitors - Thunder, Ron-G, Buggz, and Silencer. The other eight (8) rappers included Elbbz, Deh Flippaz, Pun G, Vizion, Royston Warner, Shawndehrapper, the 2020 Stop the Violence Rap Battle winner, Dizzy and Dink Dawg. Unlike the 2020 Battle, we had no female rappers participating.

The twelve contenders had their first battle on Friday, April 30, 2021, via Facebook Live. Masa Pasa hosted the event and kept it flowing. The rappers battled as follows:
  • Ron-G against Elbbz
  • Thunder versus Deh Flippaz
  • Pun G against Vizion
  • Silencer versus Buggz
  • Royston Warner against Shawndehrapper
  • Dizzy versus Dink Dawg
I must say a big shout out to the judges:
I watched the event and was amazed by the lyrical prowess and techniques exhibited by the contestants. They all performed on the same instrumental, with each person showcasing his unique style.

Shawndehrapper vs. Royston Warner
Shawndehrapper was the first contestant to perform and his opening line was, "Who pick this line-up? Give me a challenge like Buggz, the next runner-up, can't give me old food and expect me to come up." Royston Warner received favorable comments from the judges, but his audio was somewhat unclear. The judges unanimously selected Shawndehrapper as the winner.

Ron-G vs. Elbbz
A sample of Elbbz's lyrics is "I got dollars, meen see change yet, make it rain, that's a figure of speech." Ron-G responded with a performance which exhibited his ability to flow in different ways. He rapped, "This the first round, and I'm going to run like an athlete, pack the heat, you're about to be a victim of lyrical mastery." Ron-G was selected by all the judges to move forward to the next round.

Dizzy vs. Dink Dawg
Dizzy came with lyrics, "From the birth as a young-un, I came from the bottom, driving to the top, I bout to win this competition." However, Dink Dawg came back with, "Heading to the top, ain't no one can stop me, your verse gotta sound real hard just to top me." The judges all agreed that Dink Dawg won the battle.

Silencer vs. Buggz
Silencer used a bug spray can as his prop and in a play on words against Buggz when he rapped, "you see in my house, bugs get sprayed." Buggz retorted with, "I don't class with mediocre characters, I is the big dog come to babysit amateurs, in this rap game, I'm considered a connoisseur." Two judges, PNDRN and PDB, selected Buggz, while Monéa was undecided. However, Buggz moved forward to the next round.

Pun G vs. Vizion
Vizion rapped "I respect the beat but I'm gonna commit a murder and make him rest in peace." He also added a bad of bread as a prop. Pun G gave us "You ain't even know about that mission, because you ain't a boss, you ain't ever see that vision," playing on Vizion's rap name. The three (3) judges selected Pun-G to move forward.

Thunder vs. Deh Flippaz
Deh Flippaz versus Thunder was the final battle. Thunder opened his performance with, "Ladies and gentlemen, hurry up and get settled in, bout to have a competition to see who's the best again, there should be no comparison cause I am a veteran, I'm filled with adrenalin." However, Deh Flippaz answered with, "you hearing the Thunder but no I haven't seen he, Duck Duck Goose, o man look he there in the beanie, you belong on the TV, cause you is a character, in this rap game, you's a amateur." The judges unanimously selected Deh Flippaz.

I want to commend all the rappers for the presentation, time, delivery, confidence, and courage. Take the comments from the judges and continue to hone your craft. The rappers will compete in the next round as follows:
  • Shawndehrapper vs. Dink Dawg
  • Deh Flippaz vs. Ron-G
  • Pun G vs. Buggz

I would also like to show some appreciation for the team at the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports for their ingenuity and dedication to supporting youth development.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Poem: Not Angry

Not angry
Just antsy
Not fancy
Not classy
but not trashy
I fancy the simple things
not wine and diamond rings
because those things
don't catch my attention
and are no where near my intentions
I don't want no more hurt 
in my soul
cause I am not a hole in one
or one who's gone
just a little troubled
like bubble
gum in my hair
so don't stare
and don't fear
and don't dare
me to erupt
cause the ashes
of my heart will
suffocate and
any off beat in my path
because the road
I travel is pot-holed
broken and not paved
and I don't save
the pain for gain
cause it would leave me

© Linette Rabsatt

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Ten Things to Consider When Making Decisions

When you need to make a decision, you have to weigh out the positives and the negatives. What influences the option you choose? Everyone faces tough choices. Sometimes you have lots of time to think about the surrounding factors, but sometimes you have to make snap decisions. I find it stressful when you have to consider the needs of other people. Imagine being a manager in these COVID-19 times and having to cut staff. Outside of the pandemic, everyday life can be challenging. Prices have increased while our salaries have not. Therefore, some families have to balance the costs of food, shelter, and utilities. I have had my days when I say, "Screw it, I'm buying it." I have also hesitated and not made purchases. 

I do not have a foolproof plan. Some days, we have to live and enjoy the little we can afford. Of course, I would never encourage anyone to go beyond their means. When you destroy your credit, it hampers your purchasing and borrowing power. You also do not want to damage relationships with family and friends because you borrow money from them. 

I am sharing some encouragement for when we face tough decisions:
  1. "It is what it is." If something has happened, do not focus on the reasons. Instead, look for solutions.
  2. Regardless of what you do, something else will go wrong. We can not control life. Accept that there will be challenges.
  3. Aim for win-win. In other words, think positively. Do your best. You can only control what is within your reach. Do what you can in the best way that you can.
  4. You can not please everyone.  Even though you aim for a win-win situation, this will not always be the case. 
  5. Ask for advice. Sometimes, you have to seek other opinions. Sometimes, you need professional help. If you do not know, ask someone.
  6. When you have time before making a big decision, create a pros and cons list. 
  7. Do your research and compare your options.
  8. Pray and meditate. Tap into your spirituality for guidance and inspiration.
  9. Make a snap decision. Some choices call for a quick reaction.
  10. Recognize when you have made a poor decision. Learn from it and try not to repeat that mistake.
All the best!


POEM: A Time to Vent

Word Art Vent

if you check the environment
you may wonder where everything went
when there is no vent
or a timer of how time was spent
or how many backs were bent
and what feats they saw invent
but in the present
we may say it's nonsense
it's past tense
because we may want to do more to prevent
a break in the crescent
an uproar in the convent
not saying anything indecent
or words that you can resent
but things you hold in sentiment
not feelings that you rent
or things that you hold pent
or haughty moves like the prominent
instead think like your words are lent
and of course don't be violent
because disembodiment
isn't part of the event
your heart just needs to be present

©Linette Rabsatt

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

POEM: Drive

You have to have drive
to survive
to stay alive
to thrive
but remember
there are times when
you will sigh
and you may even cry
your eyes dry
but don't run and don't fly
off the handle
or break your bangles
so that you end up tangled
in a web you can't get out of
instead focus your love
focus your mind
focus your energy
and find that synergy
because you can be successful
and everything you touch
can be plentiful
you just have to start
with being hopeful

© Linette Rabsatt

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Progression or Regression in Our Corner of the World

I often question how or why we have lost some values. People often blame outside influences and immigration for any change in the culture. However, we need to look more closely at ourselves. I remember growing up hearing about our 99% literacy rate. Today, I often hear about the former excellence and efficiency of the public service and certain private businesses. I even remember one time when there was a 98% passing rate for senior school students.

We have had many updates to our education system, several versions of transformation in the public service and the private sector. We established a constitution in 2007. This country flourished financially, and many people benefited by attaining higher education, land, and higher living standards.

Yet today, I remain concerned about the youths who struggle in school, the young people who may never be able to purchase land or build a home, and the parents who cannot meet their obligations. You cannot help but be concerned when we boast of a passing and literacy rate, high salaries, and bountiful real estate and financial services industries. However, a segment of the populace continues to struggle.

Where have we missed the mark? The cost of living in the territory frightens us. The minimum wage increased from $4 to $6 in October 2016. However, prices rise constantly. Land that people sold for $25K now sells for $85K. People can barely afford to buy fruits in the supermarket, and anything health-related is most unaffordable.

It seems that while we progressed as a country, we regressed as a people. The improvements and transformations made us feel like we achieved feats. I am not discounting the tremendous developments such as Social Security, technological advancements, e-services, or the community college.

However, the past and recent crimes show us that we have real issues that we must address. A review of the working population also highlights other concerns about brain drain and upskilling the local workforce. Homeownership would also be another relevant statistic that needs reviewing.

I think we have ignored less fortunate persons and persons suffering from mental health illnesses. We have introduced an insurance scheme which is not sustainable. The government pension structure is not sustainable, and we have not pushed for a national pension strategy for all workers. We have come a long way, but we have much more to reach for and address so that our country can grow sustainably for the next generation.

I am not politically driven, nor do I mean to thrash any past or present leaders. However, we must challenge ourselves to improve our situation and surroundings. We must work feverishly to ensure that we leave a legacy that our generations can maintain and improve. I challenge everyone to look at their situations and see how they can contribute to improving the BVI.

You do not have to be a national scholar or laureate to influence change. You just have to be willing to stand up, sacrifice, and speak up. Encourage positive change in your church, workplace, home, and community.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

POEM: Feelings

in here or out there
it's all the same
my name
my bane
my shame
the game of life
my strife
I hurt
I curse
and I pen this verse
because that's the only way
I can say
how I feel
my real
with no ceiling
no discretion
not for impression
or in suspension
it's my dimension
how I will deal
with my shame
my bane
in here and out there

 © Linette Rabsatt 2021

Saturday, February 6, 2021

BVI Book Highlight: "The Virgin Islands Dictionary" by Kareem-Nelson Hull

 Anji's Crafts Comic

"Face Mek Up," "Goonk," "Lass Lap," "Shame Box," and "Yabba" are words that Virgin Islanders know very well. Our native tongue is English; however, we have our unique British Virgin Islands dialect. In our islands, we may have word and phrase variations for certain things, and our accents may be a little different. However, when we communicate, we understand each other.

Virgin Islands author and public relations professional Kareem-Nelson Hull compiled a dictionary of Virgin Islands words and phrases in "The Virgin Islands Dictionary: A Collection of Words and Phrases So You Could Say It Like We." Mr. Hull, who also co-wrote the Territorial Song, "O Beautiful Virgin Islands," with his sister, Ayana Hull, also an author, is someone who promotes Virgin Islands history and culture. He also runs the VIlingual page on Facebook where he shares Virgin Islands history.

Any Virgin Islander who peruses the dictionary will be smiling and nostalgic because Kareem has captured our culture through language. Each word has its Virgin Islands spelling, pronunciation, and sample sentence. The authors also shares some rules that Virgin Islanders are very familiar with. The one that made me smile is "We didn't sleep together." If a Virgin Islander tells you that, it means that you have not greeted them. Always remember to say, "Good Morning (Mawnin)," "Good Afternoon (Afternoon)," and "Good Night (Evening)."

The definition that I would like to share is 'Crab Foot and Hangers,' which the author lists as a noun/adjective. I remember hearing and using this phrase as a child.

Crab Foot and Hangers

Definition: particularly unattractive penmanship (like that of a doctor) while either taking notes or writing to someone

My Sample Sentence: The teacher told me to rewrite the essay because she couldn't understand my crab foot and hangers.

I also encourage visitors to the islands to get a copy of this dictionary. You will become familiar with aspects of our traditions, as well as our language.

Kareem shared that he became inspired by various sources to create this dictionary - during his educational journey and after residing on another Caribbean island. He advises other writers to write about what they know, what interests them, and what exhilarates them. Kareem is hoping to publish a Virgin Islands Book of Proverbs soon. 

As you thumb through the dictionary, you will realize that this project would have taken time, patience, and immense research to complete. Kareem-Nelson Hull, I salute you and offer my congratulations on this excellent work.

Linette Rabsatt

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt