Wednesday, September 1, 2021

POEM: You are Valuable

In life
sometimes we are treated
like a crutch or a crotch
and while we may want
to retaliate or reciprocate
maybe it's a matter of fate
and having faith
letting things flow
letting things go
so we can be move on
move out
move around
move south
wherever there is peace
and piece of mind
because time is
when waste is debated
you are not a backup plan
or a last minute meal
like a can of Spam
or like an email full of spam
you are someone special
not a crutch
and certainly not a crotch
your efforts
your time
your caring
your sincerity
are valuable
so stand out
stand up
make the best choices
for you
and let no one
bridle your voice
insult your style
 or waste your talent
so take flight
and be great

© Linette Rabsatt

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