Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Holiday Eating and Heading to 2016

I made a statement yesterday that this is the worst time of the year for eating. It's the time when we overeat on the foods that we should have in small portions. It's the time of the ham and baked goodies - which are all so delicious. Of course, everyone wants to share their goodies with you too. It's hard to have in moderation when there is so much temptation.

This  blog post is not to give a solution to the problem but instead to remind us to try to be moderate around these times. I am trying to stick things in the freezer for future use and this works out sometimes. I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and cut down on the starches. We all have to do what we have to do to preserve our health.

Try your best in small steps to ensure that you keep you and your family healthy during the holidays and all year round.

Be good and safe as we approach 2016. We know not what lies ahead but have faith, be courageous and focused.  Do the best you can at all times.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

An SMH Moment

I posted on my Facebook page that I may be naive when it comes to people's behaviors. I guess we tend to get comfortable and suddenly, there's some action that causes a knee jerk reaction. It's a life lesson that can burn the soul. Sometimes when I hear people say certain things, I get so angry and disgusted.

Then... there it comes - SMH and SNB - should've known better. However, I persevere because although, I express anger (verbally or non-verbally), I'll do the same thing the next time...but with a twist.

For now, I'm still shaking my head and I'll be doing that for some time.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Following the Good Examples

We like to make statements like "do you and I'll do me". However, I'm one who thinks that we should emulate positive behaviors. There's a lot of negative around us but for sure there's a lot of positive too. Instead of focusing on what's sad, lame or gossip, we can make good people / good behaviors a role model for us.

Of course, I can't be exactly like you, but if you are a part of a non-profit group - then I can donate my time, funds or ideas to that group or another. If I see my neighbor making an addition to his/her home, I don't have to be jealous. Instead, I can congratulate them on the move. If your neighbor in church can tithe in the thousands and you can only give pennies, give what you can and pray that it helps someone or builds the church's mission.

Following good examples is not complicated. Just do what you know is right!


Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

It's the holiday season! Matter of fact, it's Christmas Day. We have so much to be thankful for, despite what our circumstances might be. Face it, not everyone is not going to be rich and there always will be some who  are broke. We just have to make the best of our circumstances. Share what you can afford. This tends to be the season when we get lavish and want to give perfect gifts. I am thankful for everything that I have received because I can see it all came from the heart. I try to teach my children that they should share and give to others.

Adults are funny. We complain about everything and are usually not willing to try or give things a chance. I like the opportunity to share something with persons in need and wish more people would be like that. Not everyone feels this way and it get's difficult dealing with these situations in a group setting.

However, don't let other's behaviors dampen your spirit. There are non-profit organizations, elderly homes and needy families that you can give to. Do what you can to help others.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

POEM: Collision

Everyone has a story
and we all have our past
life isn't easy
regardless of your race or class
We try to be good
but often there's temptation
so sometimes we get distracted
and in the process of elimination
we slide to the dark side
where good and bad collide
and evil tries to prevail
leaving us on the the failing trail
but even as we struggle
and we try to cope
and we are frustrated
and think there's no hope
the good in us can stand out
and beyond all doubt
take us on the right side
where peace and love can abide

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

POEM: Living in Confusion

Living in Confusion

We live in a disillusioned orbit
where one product tell us not to clean
because the mist will clean the germs
and another tells us that 99% of bacteria
is killed by the spray
or so they say
because over-consumption is OK
and we live by what the media says
We're unable to think beyond the fashion
to harness our true potential
the real passion
because everything today is recycled
Now nose rings are our theme
We've  just absorbed the ideas and ideals
of others and show no love for our brothers
But my brother,
you need to keep your helmet on
because I am tired of singing
and hearing sad songs
and don't forget your other cap
because that other set of
consequences can lead you to the
grave or to making a generation of
frustrated youths
who have no father figure
So add it up and then divide
because whether the planets collide
you have to know who you are
on the inside
so don't get tied up
or caught up
get your life in the right gear
and prepare yourself
for the future

© Ribbon 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

What Influences Your Choices

I am one of those persons who sometimes wonders about the choices that people make. I am not one to judge or pry but sometimes as you observe, one tends to wonder. I have made some life choices as well as situations have pushed me to make certain choices. In addition, some decisions are made because of a sequence of unrelated events or coincidences. Whether we think it is fate, destiny or it's all unrelated, is irrelevant.

I chose not to eat meat because I learned about my family's health history. I stopped chemically treating my hair because the chemicals made it fall out. I live in the BVI because the opportunity presented itself. I write poetry because I was encouraged to do so in a class. Looking back, I never considered myself poetic. I decided to become a writer because I saw an opportunity and I decided to build on it.

My present job - from my perspective, is all a coincidence that works well for me. I like challenges and I am happy to take it on. So for me, I learn, I apply and I live. I don't know what the formula is for other people but like I said earlier, I do wonder. When I see persons making what I call bad decisions, I wonder if my brain works differently to theirs. Even in the most recent elections in the BVI, I am still wondering what some of the candidates were thinking!

I grew in a strict household and there are certain things that I will just not do. There are certain decisions that are influenced by my upbringing, my morals and by the example I want to set for my children. I am sometimes happy to be the one who will stand aside and not follow the crowd.

So that's me - what influences your choices?


Monday, May 25, 2015

POEM: A Journey of Thoughts

I watch a horse's stride,
a mother carrying her baby at her side;
even as clouds on their journey collide
and in the highest branches
where the birds abide.
It can be as simple as a ferry boat ride
or a good friend in whom I can confide,
because you can't keep all
your feelings bottled up inside.
So I arise, although I sometimes cry
and sometimes wish for wings to fly,
let me pause and sigh.....
It's not every action that needs a reply.
It's time we decide to let certain things fly
because on your journey,
it'll never be as easy as pie
and sometimes you have to be bold and not shy,
then lift your eyes to the sky
because there are some feelings
that you cannot deny.
So take your journey
with your head held high
and know that there are tough choices
that only you can decide.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Differing Views

Everybody has different views. That's the norm. However, it is not reasonable to be upset with me for mine or for me to be upset with you for yours. I especially cannot deal with persons who just have these offset views and will not admit that they are wrong. If there is a rule or law that is passed in an institution or something that is commonly understood and agreed, you are not correct if you go against the norm.

For example, if my children's school states in the dress code that students should wear yellow shirts, how can I send my children to school with orange or green shirts? I like to talk about 'common sense' but it really is not common.

As spring goes into summer, I see people's personal agendas being shuffled out into public forums. Have we lost the sense of the big picture? People are talking about rules that have been in place for years and research reflects that these rules are no different to those in effect in other jurisdictions - close and far.

Interpretation and perception can differ; however, when the rule or law is clearly written, there should be no question. I support that we have our opinions but I will reiterate that I will not stand by or for nonsense. We can agree not to agree with the law or rule - but that's not our fight in every case. Look at your role and act as you ought to.


Monday, May 11, 2015

A Poppy Show Moment

I like things that make me laugh. I look for funny movies and happy songs. As I write this, I'm listening to a plethora of Phil Collins songs which may not all have a happy message but provide pleasant and easy listening. I had many laughs today and some were because of words thrown out. Humor helped the situations to be dealt with.

In the VI, we have a phrase we use - "poppy show". I don't know the origin of this colloquialism but we usually refer to it someone who is being laughed at and not laughed with based on a behavior they have exhibited. It could also be someone who is trying to get laughs. I have been a "poppy show" before because sometimes you just have to ease the tension.

Today had a combination of both and this is good for me because throughout the tension and trials of day, I was able to exercise my facial muscles. Sometimes, you just have to take a moment for a laugh.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Bob Marley's Birthday 2015

Bob Marley 2015

"Confrontation" is inevitable
but sometimes it takes a kinda "Rastaman Vibration"
to be able to understand "Survival"
But I really don't want to be "Waiting in Vain"
because there is "So Much Trouble in the World"
and we need to "Wake Up and Live"
In this "Concrete Jungle", "Them Belly Full"
but we know we hungry for knowledge
and "Positive Vibration" needs to be at the forefront
You have to know when too
"Get Up Stand Up"
because everybody has "So Much Things Say"
but you have to pick and choose
and our "Guiltyness" needs to rest on our conscience
but We all have "One Love"
and that is all we need

© Linette Rabsatt for Bob Marley 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Revenge vs Karma

revenge, karma

How far would you go to take revenge? Is is really worth it? Sometimes you just have to let karma do its job. We focus so much on the petty issues rather than focusing on how we can improve ourselves or build teamwork. Everybody continues to want change but can't deal with it when it comes. You might attempt revenge and then it backfires on you. The person that you despise will move on and continue living. They may even sue you for some behavior or action that you take.

I would say it is better to change your focus than to change your address to a cell at the local jail. Let karma do its job.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Women Can Create a Personal Uniform for Work

Women can visit a good seamstress or a clothing store to create a uniform. Playing with color, style and accessories will keep the uniform fresh and fun.

When a job comes with a uniform, women's clothing choices can become boring or monotonous. However women who do not have to wear a uniform, can have fun with creating a personal uniform for work. While keeping the look professional and together, ladies should consider the choice to sew or purchase, the maintenance and adding flavor to keep the look fresh.

Purchase or Have the Uniform Sewn
Women can opt to shop for pieces in the clothing stores or from a uniform distributor. Another option
would be to purchase the fabric and have a seamstress or tailor sew the clothing. The key things to consider would be the color, style and fit. Even if the clothing is purchased, a seamstress may be needed to adjust the items so that the fit is perfect. Jackets, skirts and pants may be sewn, but it may be more cost effective to purchase the camisoles or blouses for under the jackets from a clothing store.

Color Palette of Work Wear
A personal uniform can be several different colors such as the usual work wear colors - navy blue, black, grey, plum and dark green. Prints that are pin striped, small polka dots or simple plaids are also good choices. There can be one set style or pattern for all the chosen colors or varied colors in different styles. What also works well is mixing colors such as a powder blue jacket with a navy or black bottom.

Choosing Pants or Skirts
A lady should consider her body type when choosing pants or skirts. Most jobs allow women to wear both but it is important that the clothes are not too tight. Ladies should consider their body types when choosing styles. Pencil or a-line skirts and straight-legged pants are usually safe choices for most women but some research on dressing the body-type should be sought to ensure that the fit is the best. According to Melissa Ridenour in Suite 101's ' Fashion Strategies for Slimming: Dressing to Look Thinner ', "straight legged pants give an appearance of slimmer, elongated lines. Pleated pants should be avoided as they add bulk to the middle."

Laundering, Ironing & Dry-cleaning Uniforms
Uniforms can be considered as an investment and therefore should be cared for so that the clothing will last.
  • Laundering: Be careful to wash clothing at recommended temperatures and with the right products to avoid fading and lint.
  • Dry-cleaning: Items labeled for dry-cleaning should be cleaned at least once fortnightly or once per month based on the usage and soils.
  • Ironing: Use the appropriate setting according to the iron's dial. For dark clothing, cover and iron with a white cotton cloth or brown paper and iron so that the clothing will not shine.
Accessories Add Flavor to a Uniform
A plain black suit can be embellished with green costume jewelry, a printed lilac scarf or bronze pumps. When a female creates her own uniform, she is free to have fun with her jewelry, shoes, handbag, scarves and belts. Accessories must still remain work appropriate so large earrings or necklaces, excessive bracelets, sequined belts or other items that are better suited for a night on the town are not allowed.

Women who wish to create a personal uniform should never consider choices as boring or limited because with a little fun, the look can remain fresh. There are many options even if the uniform is purchased from a store or sewn by a seamstress. Have fun with colors and accessories to reduce the monotony. Be sure to take good care of the uniform and all clothing in the closet to get the most optimal and longer use of the pieces.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Moving Forward in 2015

Everyday is a new opportunity to grow and learn. You don't have to be in classroom to learn. Life is your teacher and your daily walk is the classroom. Don't be afraid to be like a plant - seek nurture and refreshment so that your life is filled with new experiences that are positive and help you to develop yourself mentally, emotionally and physically.

There are simple things around us that can teach us and uplift us. The internet is an excellent source of literature but you need to look for reputable sources. You can find the entire bible, inspirational thoughts and messages, games to stimulate your mind and jokes to sooth your spirit and enhance your sense of humor.

If 2014 was a hard year for your financially, you need to consider what was your shortfall and how you can overcome. Budgeting and cutting back are key to financial success. We need to live within our means. Cut back, shop smart and walk with your lunch. This is a hurdle that we all face but there are simple solutions that we can use to get ahead.

Stay focused.


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt