Monday, December 28, 2015

Following the Good Examples

We like to make statements like "do you and I'll do me". However, I'm one who thinks that we should emulate positive behaviors. There's a lot of negative around us but for sure there's a lot of positive too. Instead of focusing on what's sad, lame or gossip, we can make good people / good behaviors a role model for us.

Of course, I can't be exactly like you, but if you are a part of a non-profit group - then I can donate my time, funds or ideas to that group or another. If I see my neighbor making an addition to his/her home, I don't have to be jealous. Instead, I can congratulate them on the move. If your neighbor in church can tithe in the thousands and you can only give pennies, give what you can and pray that it helps someone or builds the church's mission.

Following good examples is not complicated. Just do what you know is right!


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