Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Holiday Eating and Heading to 2016

I made a statement yesterday that this is the worst time of the year for eating. It's the time when we overeat on the foods that we should have in small portions. It's the time of the ham and baked goodies - which are all so delicious. Of course, everyone wants to share their goodies with you too. It's hard to have in moderation when there is so much temptation.

This  blog post is not to give a solution to the problem but instead to remind us to try to be moderate around these times. I am trying to stick things in the freezer for future use and this works out sometimes. I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and cut down on the starches. We all have to do what we have to do to preserve our health.

Try your best in small steps to ensure that you keep you and your family healthy during the holidays and all year round.

Be good and safe as we approach 2016. We know not what lies ahead but have faith, be courageous and focused.  Do the best you can at all times.


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