Sunday, June 28, 2015

What Influences Your Choices

I am one of those persons who sometimes wonders about the choices that people make. I am not one to judge or pry but sometimes as you observe, one tends to wonder. I have made some life choices as well as situations have pushed me to make certain choices. In addition, some decisions are made because of a sequence of unrelated events or coincidences. Whether we think it is fate, destiny or it's all unrelated, is irrelevant.

I chose not to eat meat because I learned about my family's health history. I stopped chemically treating my hair because the chemicals made it fall out. I live in the BVI because the opportunity presented itself. I write poetry because I was encouraged to do so in a class. Looking back, I never considered myself poetic. I decided to become a writer because I saw an opportunity and I decided to build on it.

My present job - from my perspective, is all a coincidence that works well for me. I like challenges and I am happy to take it on. So for me, I learn, I apply and I live. I don't know what the formula is for other people but like I said earlier, I do wonder. When I see persons making what I call bad decisions, I wonder if my brain works differently to theirs. Even in the most recent elections in the BVI, I am still wondering what some of the candidates were thinking!

I grew in a strict household and there are certain things that I will just not do. There are certain decisions that are influenced by my upbringing, my morals and by the example I want to set for my children. I am sometimes happy to be the one who will stand aside and not follow the crowd.

So that's me - what influences your choices?


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Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt