Monday, April 29, 2013

The Five Adjectives I Like for Me

There are several adjectives I would like people to use to describe me. Of course, this means that I have to interact and communicate with them in some way.

1. Consistent.
If I act strange, let me be consistent at it. I am just 'me'. I am consistently hardworking, driven and straight-up.

2. Humorous
I do love a good joke and I try to throw my little joke once in a while too. However, preferably not at anyone's expense.

3. Straight-up
I'm getting better at that every day. If I am not going to do something, I am not. I don't bend easily and I stand firm on my opinion/thoughts. Of course, this standing firm is after I have carefully weighed the situation. I'm not one of the those persons who just jump and say no.

4. Helpful
I try to be but to a point. People like to use you when they know you can do things and I can't stand lazy people - refer to point #3.

5. Honest
I try to be but there are times when something may be omitted.

I want to have good qualities like everyone else and I aspire to do the best. I encourage you to do the same.


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