Monday, April 22, 2013

Inspiration is a 'boss'

Inspiration is a 'boss'. Now I'm saying that in VI dialect. I mean that it's impressive and it has influence - which it actually does. I just really have to smile when I see the movement of people these days. I took part in a concert the other night and one of the performers shared a quote about people who tend to distract others who are actually doing something. I liked it of course.

Many times I have had to get over myself and accept what is going on. You can't be positive and negative. You can be cold and hot and for sure, you can't serve two masters. We all just need to real with ourselves and see what we can do and what we can contribute.

What change can you effect? If you are in an organization, will they say it is better because you were there? Can you inspire someone? I have been trying to inspire someone and I have never been able to really fully get through. I have to make a stronger effort. Talent is something we cannot let fall in our loved ones, friends or neighbors.

I am so blessed - even if I am a jack of some trades and still master none. I am happy in the skin I'm in. Inspiration is a 'boss' once it's all the way positive!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's very true, I have always feel that way and accept what I couldn't get through to others but never give up

Happy 2025!