Thursday, April 18, 2013


This week has been interesting. I have accomplished a lot, seen new things and have learned a lot too. I got to see how people crack under pressure and how they deal with new situations and challenges. It's good that many of us can say that "we've came, we've seen and we've conquered". Some got there, they saw but definitely did not conquer. There are others who just came but were totally oblivious to the situation. I have been 'asea' like that in the past and depending on the topic, I can get like that too.

I have learned from the best. I have seen the meanest and I have seen the nicest. I want to take a little from each and move myself to the next level. I have to keep my head on and keep focused and I encourage you to do the same. Don't be easily defeated or discouraged. Life was never meant to be smooth so we should not expect less.

I have some little projects that I am brainstorming and some that are being put into action. I like to step out and do. What's your talent? Use it wisely!


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