Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am the 5%.....

They say that when you join an organization, you have to accept its culture. I guess I'm the 5% that really needs to be a hermit. My stomach for nonsense is very small. I hate disorganization and foolishness. I think what peeves me the most is when everyone disregards your needs but wants you to help them to make them look good.

People who are users are the worst kind to be around and work with. Well, maybe they are on the level with the nitpickers, the lazy ones and hypocrites. I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be. However, I can make things happen. I put my best foot first EVERY TIME! I don't need to be acknowledged for it. However, I expect that if I am in a team, that 110% will be given by ALL.

I am the 5% of people who will be vocal, be boisterous and be dissatisfied with the mediocre. I am the 5% of people that have no tolerance for stupidness. I am also the 5% that will be in the midst of mess and still try to save face.

How long can that go on? It's time for a change!



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