Monday, January 28, 2013

POEM: Changes


Performed at Artists Against Addiction Showcase
Today as we embrace another beautiful day
Let’s be thankful for the great things that have come our way
In life there are struggles and down times
But we still have to find it in ourselves to smile
No matter what challenge you are facing
Or what heavy decision you are debating
We have to make certain changes
And It may take a whole live rearrangement
Because the choices we make today
Determine our life’s pathway
So let’s strive to make healthy choices
and resist temptations’ devices
there are so many negatives out there in our way
but we have to decide what part we play
even if you feel that you are in too deep
and you can’t find rest and you just can’t sleep
there is a better way
and there’s just one word that you have to say
and it’s “help”
stop and pray
don’t let drugs or alcohol be in your relay
because those choices are the wrong ones
and sooner or later, your soul will be gone
so instead of taking addictions path
stand your ground and awaken your heart
Make life changes that can take you higher
And Let good be your heart’s desire
Surround yourself with positivity
And Let love be a part of your gravity
Raise yourself and stand proud in dignity
Because your healthy choices help to build a healthy community

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