Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coming in Hot, Left & Right

This is just another one of those days when things are coming left and right. However, I keep repeating one thing - it is what it is. I don't remember who I picked that up from but it's true. Challenges come and yes they do. However, God's grace is always there.

We have to be understanding and just deal with what we have to deal with. We may not always like situations but what can we do but try our best, pray and stay strong. God is there for ALL of us. He will leave anyone behind.

To those who are suffering, have faith. It is simply said but true. To those who are grieving, don't give up, God will give you balance and ease your pain. To those who are in distress, never feel that you are alone for there are others who are reaching out to you to comfort you.

We can only do what we can do in our power. If you can help, do that. If you find that you are a stumbling block, then get out of the way. Life is going to happen regardless and while we do not like the outcome of matters, we just have to deal with it. Be strong.

I pray that God blesses those who mourn at this time.


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