Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Simple Tips for Better Financial Management

Some days are tougher than others. This 2013 has begun with its share of challenges; nevertheless I will continue to push forward. This post is to give tips for managing money.

My tips are simply:
1. Pay your bills on time because late fees are like throwing money in the garbage
2. Save little by little because it serves you better to save $10 per month and not touch it than save $100 and withdraw it after two days
3. Please prioritize your needs and wants. I re-posted a photo onn my Facebook that had a simple caption "You have an iPhone 5 and your kids have no food?" Please don't let that be you
4. Cut unneccessary costs. Do you really need to have the top cable package when you are hardly at home?

You may say that the tips are no-brainers. However, then why are so many people in heavy debt today?

Do what you know is right and spend wisely!


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