Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Makes You Shine?

Some people can only shine on a job where they can use the talents of others to make them look good. How is your personality? How do you interact with people? Are you an idea giver and an implementer or both? What are you strengths and weaknesses?

Answer these questions honestly and decide how best you can shine daily at your job, in your church and in the community. While I say 'shine', I do not mean overshadowing others or taking credit for what others do. If you are a shy person, I am not expecting you to host an event to give yourself high blood pressure.

Shine with a giving and loving heart. Shine in what you do best. Don't worry about others not seeing how meaningful your contribution is. Your contribution is positive, important and appreciated. Today, many of us face tough situations in the workplace. There's always the co-worker who gives orders but never lifts a finger. There's always someone who never understands anything. There's always the person who gets the promotions and does poor work.

I shine through my personality, my talents and my abilities. There is no one position, organization or another person that can determine how I shine bcause I shine all the time. Wherever the road of life leads you, you are supposed to shine all the time. It may seem cliche but it is the truth. You have to define yourself as a person.

What do you want your eulogy to read? Everyone wants to shine - be brilliant - illuminate - radiate. So let' do it! Set your SMART goals and aim for better. Situations and conflict will always arise but try your best to SHINE!

Ribbon's words for today:

If you have to rely on one or two persons to shine, you may get dusty, rusted and busted. Thank God many of us can think on our feet, see opportunity and make the best of bad situations. Keep moving forward!

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