Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What have you wished for lately?


Everyone is not meant to be rich - with money. Some of us have to be poor so that the rich man can feel that earthly riches make him the better person.

Poor rich man - I like the sound of that. A good rich man behaves like Oprah, TI, Ludacris etc and gives! I hope that they are not giving just because it is a tax write-off.

Any group that I am a part of has to be willing to give - time or funds towards worthy causes. I am an advocate for the poor, beaten, homeless and helpless. In other words - if you don't want to help people - then don't try tobe my friend. I'll shoo you away like a bad cat who steals out of the pot.

However, in spite of my attack on people who don't like to give - I extend bst holiday wishes and greetings to all.

One Love


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