Monday, December 22, 2008

Check yourself before you wreck yourself and be wise and condomise!

HIV/AIDS - the not so new epidemic is on the rise in the Virgin Islands. The scary thing is that many people don't know their status. Do you know yours? Arrange to be tested. Even if you have to pay for the test, isn't it worth it?

I was tested earlier this year and am happy to say that I am NEGATIVE. Does this mean that I won't be tested again? You must be mad - of course I will be tested again. I encourage EVERYONE to get tested. It is better to know your status so that if you are positive, you can get the appropiate treatment.

Young men and young women - be wise and condomise! If you are not with one steady partner - stop and evaluate your lifestyle. Stay with one partner or just be abstinent.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself and be wise and condomise!


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