Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Police, police the police.

Do you remember the written test you passed in order to get your Driver's Licence? Do you remember the manual you studied to be able to take that test and pass it?

If you remember, then why are you not obeying the traffic laws? Can you cross over a SOLID WHITE LINE? Can you cross over a DOUBLE YELLOW LINE? How many car lengths are we supposed to drive behind each other? What is the difference between a STOP and a YIELD sign?

I am sure you remember these answers so we should all be better drivers. You may say that the police are there to police the roads. However, I say that we need to police our sevles and let the police handle these criminals who rob us by daylight.

Of course, the police do NOT carry guns on regular patrol so they also have to hide when the robberman passes by. Afterall, who REALLY wants to get shot. I don't.

I always say that if the people don't obey basic traffic laws, then of course they will write bad checks, steal and become nuisances. Spare the rod - spoil the child applies here. Let them get away with the simple crimes and for sure they will escalate into more serious crimes.

The police seem to be crying out for help - so who will help them? And I don't mean that we need to call the Crime Hotline - we NEED to show the Government of the day that it is imperative to update the laws so that the police can actual POLICE and not play pretend with our lives.

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