Tuesday, December 29, 2009

POEM: Taking Turns

Taking Turns

Only the Father can turn us around:
He heals our pain,
He forgives our sins,
and He gives us true joy within.

Our Father never turns us away;
instead, He leads us,
He keeps us safe,
and He makes our journeys easier.

He never turns us out:
our Father stays with us,
gives us love and strength,
and all we need to do is have faith.

Our Father turns a hard heart into soft matter:
Yes! Our Father builds bridges,
He solves our problems,
and all we have to do is to believe.

Turning us around - healing and forgiving,
Never turning us away - accepting us as we are,
Never turning us out - still loving and strengthening us...
Only our Father can do all these things and more.

© LR

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday wishes and prayers

Wishing you joy
Wishing you peace
May your dreams materialize
May your love increase!
Praying for your life
Praying for your strength
May you reach higher & higher
May the Father keep you in good health!

All the best for the season and for the upcoming 2010!

© Linette Rabsatt 2010

Monday, December 21, 2009

2009 to 2010

It's that time of the year again - time to reflect on the past 360 plus days and plan for the upcoming 360 plus once God grants us the days.

Many people are caught up in spending trying to please everyone. This year, I am trying to suffice with the little that I have while enjoying simple things and planning for the future.

So to the ladies who must splurge, Google search my poem 'Where do you live?' for my opinion on that.

Seriously and positively, I do hope for a quiet end for 2009 and a productive start for 2010. In my progression of moving with like minds - people who are goal oriented, serious but yet have their fun, I think that I have a good friend circle - and this is important. My circle includes single parents, married parents, entrepeneurs, masterminds, limers, realists, real revolutionaries, poets, artistes, lovers etc etc.

From the planets to the bees or the ants - everything is about balance. 'Want all get NONE.' Do you see the ants taking more than they need? Do bees sting you just because? Did you really need that pair of Jordans when the Reeboks could do the job? Did you really need that Dodge truck when the Mazda burns less gas? Did you balance your check book? Do you give back to the community in anyway?

These are questions that I must ask myself as I try to be a responsible adult. It's not about the show or the fame, but it's more about living a healthy lifestyle and keeping life in balance.

I don't do News Years resolutions because January 1 should not be the waiting date for me to act right or do right. For example, I wanted to blast a lady who stole a parking space from me today but I keep my words inside my car. 'Do so don't like so.' That woman is not worth it. I think I handled it well (the man in the white truck might say differently lol lol).

Don't be stuck in the same trends
Let's live right to the end
by starting right in 2009 & 2010!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Who I slept with......

Legs were everywhere. Sometimes the feeling was hot and there were times it was cold. In between the constant movement and noises, I lay quietly wanting to forget about anything and everything.

So what happened?

My daughter had a restless night and slept like a mad bull...while snoring too, keeping me awake.

Take your mind out of the gutter!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Poetic thoughts - Word Sound

My word
My word
My word against yours
How does it add up?
Or does it divide?
Your word against mine
time, time, time
is passing
while we are laughing
at these cold blind words
some sharp like swords
and others soft
and some breathtaking
Your word
is ALL that you have
and is by what you stand
for our words
can arouse
make love
make babies
and yet make wars
so when the words we use
can be counted like stars
we can be near or far
but our words will keep us
words like
some, more and most
most of all
the word I use to describe you
is true
you are too real
with those words of yours
my word
your word
our words
my words with yours
make the one word


Friday, November 20, 2009

What are your goals?

Where do your priorities lie? Do you even have priorities? It's good to set goals - realistic and also crazy ones. It does make sense to aim high because you may just get to a height that you never imagined. Are you keeping a positive head on while making your goals? I feel that I was destined to get the job that I have. I applied before and was turned down by all the 'big ones' but even after several years, I applied again with a more level head and more work experience while being quite persistent...and here I am today. Goals! I need to save more - just as anyone else in these trying times. So that means no or minimal 'splurges'. I refer to my poem 'Where do you live' so you can understand. I have to pay rent, daycare, loan, electricity, cable, telephone and of course eat while trying to save - just like any other man. So I 'cut my eye' at certain things and cut down on the cheesecake and put that $2 in my savings can. Goals! I look at the organizations that I am affliated with - it's a few people with like minds who make these things work. We make sacrifices and work really hard with events that provide quality entertainment in the BVI. We try to link with community organizations to promote good values to the youth and the overall BVI. Goals! I am not the best at anything but I try to use my talents as God directs me so that the goals that I do achieve are inspiring to someone else. One Love ribbon

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Goats of Farmville

Don't ever feel that I have forgotten my blog. Sometimes Farmville on Facebook takes all my energy. Can't Facebook see that we need to hire workers to help? The farms are ridiculously large and we have all those buildings, so why not workers? It is very draining. :)

Anyway, there's so much going on here in the BVI. The elected representatives are trying to add two more friends. The BVI population is about 32,000 (mind you we have about 27,000 vehicles). We already have 13 representatives - 9 in districts and 4 at-large. The USVI has 15 representatives along with the Governor and Lt. Governor for about 300,000 people. Did I miss something somewhere?

What is up with this Government? These days, I am really LMAO.

Even though I am laughing, I am still very worrried because vision seems to have been lost somewhere along the line. When you speak up, people feel that you just like to complain, but if they listen, they may see that you bring a suggested comprimise that will solve the problem.

It's like on some jobs where employees are afraid to talk to their supervisors because they are so demotivated. I still feel the employee has to take charge of that situation and move it forward.

My motto is be a GOAT - not a sheep. I will only be a sheep for Jesus - not for man. On earth, I'll be the goat that climbs and fights my way through once I am fighting for the greater good.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to the haters, downpressors, dividers, abusers and users out there.

In the footsteps of the great Noel Lloyd, POSITIVE ACTION!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm into my music right now just vibing because it is all so mellow. At 10pm - this is the only time I have for ME - noone to disturb, yell, argue with or curse. It's like 'nar bother me nuh man'.

I can sing off-key and feel like I sound the greatest - there are no fights to part or noone to put on the toilet because they are all asleep. Even the TV is just there entertaining itself because at the same time - it's Farmville time.

Everyone needs this personal time or they will turn 'postal'. Trust me - we don't want that. The last person who went 'postal' hung himself while in prison. He was a wonderful person but he had his limits just like the rest of us. Road rage, domestic violence and depression stem from STRESS that builds up and the outlet is clogged.

Employers seem to love to stress their employees because all they care about is WORK WORK WORK. What about your employees - are they physically, mentally and emotionally able to perform today? Slavery has ended but yet the 'Massas' still want to kill us out. They put us in poor working conditions, pay us little and want the world of work to be completed before day's end - of course you work over time but you won't get paid for it!

And yet, noone believes that people are stressed!

All I can say is THANK GOD for poetry and music - my outlets. I do get a little road rage every now and then but I prefer to honk my horn than slam into your car. Keep lite music in your car and it may help to improve your well-being. I am a HUGE Bob Marley but songs like Catch A Fire or Get Up Stand Up do tend to get me riled up! Stick with some Kaya or Natural Mystic and some Etana, Berris, John Legend etc to keep you mellow.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Bible - talents and sheep

There are so many talented people in our islands. We are talented with our hands, voices and overall artistic insight. Noel Lloyd was one of the creative people who was stifled. Let it had been someone from the US or UK trying to share the knowledge - we would have jumped speedily to his bidding.

So it is here in our islands - we are the sheep of a careless shepherd - yes, the one who will not go for the 15th much less the 99th. My workplace may be surrounded by sheep, goats and cows but I refuse to be a sheep. I refuse to go mindlessly for slaughter. I like April Glasgow's choice of word - evolutionary. That is truly deep.

You may look at us and try to class us as Rastas or a cult. Really though, we revolutionary and evolutionary - our common goal is to move forward with UNITY for a stronger COMMUNITY - to take care of the resources and plan for the future so our grandchildren can learn from our example. It is no longer acceptable to just drag along accepting the mistakes of the past while letting them guide our future.

Talented people - the parable in the bible about the talents I think referred to actual talents. So please do not bury your talents. Use them to go forward to help yourself and your people. Be the sheep that cries for change and makes it happen.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

POEM: Undefined Love

Undefined love

Literally, Figuratively and Physically
I stop and stare
mentally enwrapped in your presence
I don't know if you see me or sense me
but I am willing to take a chance
because even in your absence
I am still caught..
still lost...
wishing that
you are here with me
not with them
not with her
but here - with me
to laugh with me
to sing with me
with me that's the common theme
you and me
as a literal couple
as a figurative pair of love birds
as two lovers enwrapped physically in the moment of loving
serious and good loving
so let's take a chance
I'll step to you so you'll step with me
arm in arm
no metaphor to increase the score
just love in sync, intense and in step


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt