Monday, December 21, 2009

2009 to 2010

It's that time of the year again - time to reflect on the past 360 plus days and plan for the upcoming 360 plus once God grants us the days.

Many people are caught up in spending trying to please everyone. This year, I am trying to suffice with the little that I have while enjoying simple things and planning for the future.

So to the ladies who must splurge, Google search my poem 'Where do you live?' for my opinion on that.

Seriously and positively, I do hope for a quiet end for 2009 and a productive start for 2010. In my progression of moving with like minds - people who are goal oriented, serious but yet have their fun, I think that I have a good friend circle - and this is important. My circle includes single parents, married parents, entrepeneurs, masterminds, limers, realists, real revolutionaries, poets, artistes, lovers etc etc.

From the planets to the bees or the ants - everything is about balance. 'Want all get NONE.' Do you see the ants taking more than they need? Do bees sting you just because? Did you really need that pair of Jordans when the Reeboks could do the job? Did you really need that Dodge truck when the Mazda burns less gas? Did you balance your check book? Do you give back to the community in anyway?

These are questions that I must ask myself as I try to be a responsible adult. It's not about the show or the fame, but it's more about living a healthy lifestyle and keeping life in balance.

I don't do News Years resolutions because January 1 should not be the waiting date for me to act right or do right. For example, I wanted to blast a lady who stole a parking space from me today but I keep my words inside my car. 'Do so don't like so.' That woman is not worth it. I think I handled it well (the man in the white truck might say differently lol lol).

Don't be stuck in the same trends
Let's live right to the end
by starting right in 2009 & 2010!

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