Monday, June 3, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
POEM: Easter
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Thoughts About A Vine
It's easy to get distracted and detracted from what you have to do. We are so busy and are so involved. We are social and yet so anti-social. I like how a vine runs because it flows by its needs. It has to survive and will grow on other trees, on concrete, on soil and depending on the situation, even through a car.
Sometimes we need to be like a vine and be tough and resilient. We have to push through and make things happen for ourselves. We have to be able to adapt and develop ourselves. There is a lot to do and a lot to learn. The key is in our hands. A vine starts with one root. A pumpkin vine develops other roots along the way and we have to develop positive relationships while we are on our journey.
You can learn a lot from nature because of the way it adapts and grows. I want to be a vine of positivity and of compassion. I want my vine to have success, growth and inspiration as well. Think about your life and your journey. What impact do you want to make? What will you be a vine of?
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Poem: Confused
Of error or was it terror
Designed to mix up
Our minds
Like a Kool-Aid flavor of lime
Don't drink and drive
To keep a life
From a lost state
In a debate on faith
But with no substance
And no endurance
Guaranteed that
You will not heed
I breathe in heavy gasps
As I lapse into
Not me
I really can't see
Cause one decree
Like an off deed
Turns into many others
And those who speak
With the 'other tongue' side
Take us for the ride
Not on a glider
But this one is a slider
Not wider but just confused
Monday, May 7, 2018
Poem: One with Words
One with words
To resuscitate
Not divide and conquer
To disseminate
What could be useful
Because I am hopeful
I remain an optimist
Not only to give you
A gist or a hint
But to tell it to you
Raw with details
To ensure that
You understand
My passionate chords
Of words
That I use to light
The fire to inspire
The desire
For you to want more
I write to become
One with words
And I share these thoughts
Free of cost
Saturday, April 28, 2018
I Am Inspired to Inspire You
I know that I can be grumpy sometimes and today was one of these days. It wasn't a bad day but I was just not in the frame of mind. I came home and put on some music because that is my "cooler". At work, I'm listening to music while I deal with the simple and complex issues that I face.
I work in an environment where boldness mixed with humility, innovation while remembering tradition and toughness anchored with understanding are essential. Tough decisions have to be made and if I want to grow, sometimes I have to make them or aid in them being made.
I listened to Billionaire PA today on ZBVI and he is an excellent speaker. He exudes positivity and confidence. I do hope that the event tonight will be successful. My listening to him in the car gave me some gumption.
Let us all exude confidence when we are asked to speak. Let us be strong and courageous even when we feel we are the underdog. Let us be inspired to make change and to ease our fears away. We have to communicate in our homes, schools and workplaces to inspire this change.
Be the best you that you can be!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Ten Tips I Am Sharing About Life
I like the simple things in life. I enjoy sharing in my blog and writing poetry. However, I dislike blogging from my phone. I wrote this entire blog post already … but had an error message.
I do not profess to have the answers or solutions to anything but I like to share information with others. I have learned a lot by reading tips and informational articles about life. I think these ten tips may be helpful to you.
1. Be nice
Be you but be nice. You do not have to smile with everyone but you should be courteous. Being pleasant makes you more approachable and helps you to make a good first impression.
2. Manage your money
Do not let your money manage your life; instead make wise financial decisions. Save for hard times or a rainy day and insure your property.
3. Be spiritual
Whether you are religious or not, find time to meditate. If you are religious, then pray and congregate with like minds.
4. Watch your friends
In the VI, the old folks used to say that “not every skin teeth is a laugh” meaning that not everyone who smiles with you is your friend. If you notice a trust issue among friends, address it and/or move on. Do not keep anyone in your circle who will bring you down.
5. Relax
We all need to relax. This does not mean that you should laze around and be unproductive. However, stress can kill you so you have to take time to chill and rest.
6. Be silly sometimes
Find what is fun for you and enjoy it. If it is fun, then there should be no stress involved!
7. Continuously learn
Learning does not only mean a classroom. Use the resources available such as elders, short courses and online resources. Grammarly is a good resource and you can learn about anything on YouTube. The internet is a great resource; just use it wisely.
8. Dream
Consider yourself in what you see as your realistic ideal. Start with how you can get there and make a plan to make it happen. Be mindful of the key word: realistic.
9. Seek advice when needed
You do not need someone to tell you how to make every move. However, sometimes you need to seek counsel when making tough decisions. Be careful who you ask because you do not want your information to be shared with others.
10. Love you
You will never succeed trying to be like everyone else. Love yourself – if you do not then who will? I am not saying to be egotistical, but you have to first love yourself before you can love others.
I hope that you enjoyed and can use one or two of these tips.
Friday, April 13, 2018
New Song: No Matter What by Dylan J
Listen to No Matter What by Dylan J #np on #SoundCloud