Saturday, May 26, 2018

Poem: Confused

Possibly a margin
Of error or was it terror
Designed to mix up
Our minds
Like a Kool-Aid flavor of lime
Don't drink and drive
To keep a life
From a lost state
In a debate on faith
But with no substance
And no endurance
Guaranteed that
You will not heed
I breathe in heavy gasps
As I lapse into
Not me
I really can't see
Cause one decree
Like an off deed
Turns into many others
And those who speak
With the 'other tongue' side
Take us for the ride
Not on a glider
But this one is a slider
Not wider but just confused

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Knots,
Words speak from the heart.

"In a debate on faith
But with no substance
And no endurance
Guaranteed that
You will not heed"

Deep! The above applies to life and it takes me to to some Biblical references, but not limited to James 1:2-4, Hebrew 11:1
