Saturday, April 27, 2013

Email, Social Media and Those Games

Google upgraded its mail and I am trying to get accustomed to it. I like the little pop-up for composing mail. I find it harder to locate the chat feature but that's not so bad because chatting can be distracting. I'm one of those people who have turned off my Facebook chat. I hardly open my Hotmail and I also turned off the Yahoo chat.

I'm sorry but I'm just not into that anymore - it's way too distracting. Imagine those people with all the apps, BBs, bleeps and blips all at one time?! I'm still pulling it simple. I love my social media but I can't be joining everyone other thing. And don't get me started on the games that are tied into social sites.

I started off with Farmville - yes, I did. Then I just got fed up! I like my MSN games because there are no stipulations for me to invite anyone to play and I get my badges if I want to try to get them. There's no pressure and no need to involve anyone else.

Everything is so linked today. When I post on my blog, there are people in my circle who will get the notification. Then I post to Facebook and then on Twitter. I love the idea of this. This is technology at its best linking us all together.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Inspiration is a 'boss'

Inspiration is a 'boss'. Now I'm saying that in VI dialect. I mean that it's impressive and it has influence - which it actually does. I just really have to smile when I see the movement of people these days. I took part in a concert the other night and one of the performers shared a quote about people who tend to distract others who are actually doing something. I liked it of course.

Many times I have had to get over myself and accept what is going on. You can't be positive and negative. You can be cold and hot and for sure, you can't serve two masters. We all just need to real with ourselves and see what we can do and what we can contribute.

What change can you effect? If you are in an organization, will they say it is better because you were there? Can you inspire someone? I have been trying to inspire someone and I have never been able to really fully get through. I have to make a stronger effort. Talent is something we cannot let fall in our loved ones, friends or neighbors.

I am so blessed - even if I am a jack of some trades and still master none. I am happy in the skin I'm in. Inspiration is a 'boss' once it's all the way positive!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Real Ribbon - My Journey....Credit Cards, No Car etc....

I have learned the hard way in some cases but I have also learned to fix problems before they get out of hand. When I first ventured into the thought of home ownership, I talked to an architect about going forward. His bill alone was almost the half the cost of the property. I did not want to empty my savings at the time so I went into a local bank and told them I wanted the loan for the amount. They declined me and said I didn't have enough job history.

I was deflated and annoyed. I had my credit card and I took a cash advance. I was always savvy with credit cards and I knew I could do a balance transfer when the time was right and I got a good interest rate. I was able to make the transfer after but I still had to knock down that bill. Having worked in banks, as a teller and in the loans department, I realized how important it is to be credit card savvy. In addition to the charge for the house plans, I had charged other items. I worked my hardest to clear those outstanding balances in a reasonable time. I then closed my credit cards. I made a decision that if I cannot afford something, then I don't need it.

Plus, I have more responsibilities now so I can't be racking up big balances. I have to be wise. I have to meet my priorities first. I don't have much furniture and no full closets but I don't really care. I know that even though it continues to be a struggle, I need to meet my monthly commitments. I don't have a car either and that was a tough decision at the time. While, I am not happy about being able to move when I want, I just can't afford it right now.

I am plain and real. I don't see why more people are not realistic on this level. I am a thrift store shopper. I think if I hadn't made these 'radical' choices, I would not be where I am today.

Life is about our choices. Sometimes we make bad ones but we have to get over it and move forward with our lives. So be real with yourself. If you are in over your head, sell the junk, sell the house you can't pay for and get credit counselling.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


This week has been interesting. I have accomplished a lot, seen new things and have learned a lot too. I got to see how people crack under pressure and how they deal with new situations and challenges. It's good that many of us can say that "we've came, we've seen and we've conquered". Some got there, they saw but definitely did not conquer. There are others who just came but were totally oblivious to the situation. I have been 'asea' like that in the past and depending on the topic, I can get like that too.

I have learned from the best. I have seen the meanest and I have seen the nicest. I want to take a little from each and move myself to the next level. I have to keep my head on and keep focused and I encourage you to do the same. Don't be easily defeated or discouraged. Life was never meant to be smooth so we should not expect less.

I have some little projects that I am brainstorming and some that are being put into action. I like to step out and do. What's your talent? Use it wisely!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Belle Vue Methodist Congregation hosts Gospel Variety Concert on Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Belle Vue Methodist Congregation is hosting a Gospel Variety Concert on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 6:00pm on the Joyce Samuel Primary School Grounds in Belle Vue under the theme “Building Community Togetherness”. This Gospel Variety Concert will feature singers, musicians and dramatists who hail from the villages between Hope Hill and Fahie Hill. Please come out and support this event.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

POEM: Obstacle Course

Don't fear if these days you feel weaker
or if debt has you held down - 
deeper and deeper
do you have a loved one
who has strayed from the flock
don't know if he's far away
or around the block
what about the tensions
you face on your job
you know ...those days
that you cry and sob
Are you just feeling depressed
like your life is an empty nest
Is it about that true love of your life
who took your heart and cut it with a knife
Do you feel like you're the next hot topic
and when people describe you - 
it's sometimes graphic

Well I know someone
who can solve these problems
and give you joy
and help you erase them
When you feel like you are at your lowest
that you're tossed in the storm
and lost in the tempest
there is hope for you to make it through
so you'll get strength and feel renewed
gain confidence and forget the nonsense
because in these times of war and turbulence
you need your armor and your full strength

So don't give up
and never give in
You are on an obstacle course to win
Put your faith and trust
in God Almighty
and do your best to live uprightly
seek good counsel and be your brother's keeper
cause in turn Jesus will be your keeper
He is a friend anytime you need him
He loves every man and forgives their sins
so yes you still can conquer the odds
just put your faith and trust in God


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Written with Fire - Today's Blog Post

We continue to play around with each other when we need to be serious. There are a lot of things that are not going right. We don't stand up when we need to and we don't fight for each other. When I say this, I mean when we see things going wrong, we don't pull up each other.

I cannot deal with mediocrity and while we can't complain for everything that goes wrong, how long must we stay quiet and watch the foolishness continue. If people are in an organization and they cannot be corrected, then something is wrong. When I say corrected, I mean that they are not fulfilling their roles the way that they should. How long will we continue to accept the nonsense because we don't want to offend.

Please offend me if I am doing wrong so I can wake up. I am not perfect and I know many of my flaws. I am working on them day by day. Please bear with me and bear me in prayer. However, while you bear with me, know that I am bearing with you too and we have to be each other's keeper. Be a seeker for greatness and someone who inspires others, not a criticizer who offers nothing positive.

Let's go man!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Taking time to smile

Life can be up and down and some days you just need to laugh. It's good when you work in an office where you can get a smile during the day. It's awesome when you have some friend or family member who will call you just to give you a joke to make you laugh. We all need that. I can't go through the day without getting something to laugh at.

It's not everything that we will agree is funny but at least an attempt at it can help when you are feeling down. Of course, I do not encourage you to laugh at others' expense or at their situations. However, you can look for a short joke on the internet.

I enjoy looking for one or two liners to share via social media. If it can make another person laugh then at least I gave someone a smile. When you are in pain or feeling down, a little joke can really make your day.

So this is a one-liner I found:

Grandpa: "Go hide, your teacher is here because you skipped school today!"
Boy: "No you go hide. I told her you were dead!"


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My 'What's In' List

Instead of a pet peeve list, I'll share a 'What's In' list.

1. People who stand up against wrong
2. People who give constructive criticism
3. Products that make life easier
4. Good deals with no catch
5. People who do not litter
6. Animal owners who take care of their pets and livestock without having them being a bother to others
7. Parents who truly parent
8. Church people who try to be real with you
9. People who are quick thinkers
10. People who see a friend with a problem such as alcoholism and encourage them to change

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt