Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shaking My Head - not a Harlem Shake though

Sometimes, I feel like I missed a day. Did I do anything productive that day? Or was I just loafing around? I guess that's why I love my blog because at least I know that every two days, I can post something constructive. Even a venting post can be constructive. Today was an ok day but with some silly frustration. There are days like that and I just have to shake my head - not Harlem Shake it but just shake it a little.

People really have to use common sense and live up to their responsibilities, especially when placed in a position of trust and influence. Mediocre just is not cutting it. The sad thing is that many are not even striving for mediocre - they're just there.

However, I aim to do my best - not aim to please. I do what I have to do and I do it well and seriously. I prefer to be around people like that too. However, we are always stuck with the few who don't care.

Be someone who cares and who wants to do more than mediocre. Come on! Do what you know is right!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Take a Moment Today

Today started off a little cloudy with some drizzle falling as well. However, it's a bright and sunny day now. We have to truly thank God for his blessing. It could have been flooding by now but God sent the sunlight to shine upon us. It's nice to take a walk when the weather is like this in the BVI. The views are even brighter and clearer and your body gets that vital Vitamin D that it needs.

Today, take a moment and look at your surroundings. Look at the beautiful flowers and little animals around. Everything has its purpose on this earth and it's all wonderfully made by God.



Friday, February 15, 2013

POEM: My Blog

Sometimes in this web log
I'll blog
about all kinds of things
my kin, my wins, my sins
or my time just sitting
I talk about what's real
and of course how I feel
so you don't have to guess
or think it's a test
it's there clear and plain
not in a game
and not for fame
just blogged


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Simple Tips for Better Financial Management

Some days are tougher than others. This 2013 has begun with its share of challenges; nevertheless I will continue to push forward. This post is to give tips for managing money.

My tips are simply:
1. Pay your bills on time because late fees are like throwing money in the garbage
2. Save little by little because it serves you better to save $10 per month and not touch it than save $100 and withdraw it after two days
3. Please prioritize your needs and wants. I re-posted a photo onn my Facebook that had a simple caption "You have an iPhone 5 and your kids have no food?" Please don't let that be you
4. Cut unneccessary costs. Do you really need to have the top cable package when you are hardly at home?

You may say that the tips are no-brainers. However, then why are so many people in heavy debt today?

Do what you know is right and spend wisely!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

POEM: I Want to be the Change

being the change
I want to be the change
I want to be effective
not just selective
but an agent of change
I'm not deranged
or strange
but want to be an advocate
for those with no voice
I want to be the one
that is able to cause little ripples
that turn into big waves
because we see all that is wrong
but noone wants to make correction
so it's time for a change injection
and someone's gotta make the decision
it is no longer acceptable to just sit there
like you're not aware or just don't care
I want to be an agent of change
and get us properly re-arranged
so that we can function
and work together in unison
let's go cause we can make it happen
so don't walk with your spirits dampened
change is in you and it's in me
just be the best you that you can be
and together we can make it happen


Friday, February 8, 2013

JSPS Sports Was Great

The Joyce Samuel Primary School sports was awesome today! The Eagles - Red House came first. The defending champions, the Hawks - Green House came second and the Doves - Blue House came third.

The children did well and I know they had fun!

Congrats to all the children, teachers and parents!


JSPS Sports is Today!

JSPS Sports is Today! I am a proud parent who will be there representing!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Truth is ...

Truth is...
no one likes plagiarism
poempeople tend to be fake
children speak their minds openly
many people do not utilize their talents
many of us are in the wrong profession
too many of us hold grudges
many people are underappreciated
teachers have a lot of work to do
lawyers should give half their salaries to teachers
my ideas are not the same as yours
you may get offended by something on this list
I'll hear your side but will stick with mine

The truth is simply the truth. You don't have to agree or comply, but it is what it is.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am the 5%.....

They say that when you join an organization, you have to accept its culture. I guess I'm the 5% that really needs to be a hermit. My stomach for nonsense is very small. I hate disorganization and foolishness. I think what peeves me the most is when everyone disregards your needs but wants you to help them to make them look good.

People who are users are the worst kind to be around and work with. Well, maybe they are on the level with the nitpickers, the lazy ones and hypocrites. I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be. However, I can make things happen. I put my best foot first EVERY TIME! I don't need to be acknowledged for it. However, I expect that if I am in a team, that 110% will be given by ALL.

I am the 5% of people who will be vocal, be boisterous and be dissatisfied with the mediocre. I am the 5% of people that have no tolerance for stupidness. I am also the 5% that will be in the midst of mess and still try to save face.

How long can that go on? It's time for a change!



Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt