Friday, February 28, 2025

February 2025: The Ongoing Poetic Journey and a New Poem

February had its share of triumphs and rejections. I always say that for every poem a publication accepted, other publications rejected twenty others. I work harder and submit more. I've never been a quitter and will continue to push my pen.

Remember, these words from my poem, Revisited:
... words written
and hidden
are no use
share them and let someone peruse

Here is my journey for February 2025.

Pulse Poetry Magazine
The February issue of Pulse Poetry Magazine featured poems by Toyer Fahie, Nelly and I and the other awesome contributors. I shared Deny in honor of my mother and The Nurturer for those with love on their minds.

Louisiana Lyricists Lounge: Open Mic
I performed during the February 1, 2025 open mic hosted by Louisiana Lyricists Lounge. Special thanks to PAWCRAM da Poet for creating this venue. I shared Mama's Prayers from 11:29. This was the first open mic that PAWCRAM hosted and it was very well supported. The poets shared some heavy inspiration.

The Fertile Brains Open Mic
I joined The Fertile Brains Open Mic on February 2, 2025 and shared Inspiration, a poem inspired by a writing prompt in Papi's Poetry Corner MVP Facebook Group. I'm on from 44:08 until 45:41. The Fertile Brains Open Mic showcases poets from across the world. 

Talentourney Feature
Aleks Hannibal, a fellow poet from Trinidad and Tobago featured me on his webpage, Talentourney. He has been hosting writing competitions to encourge us to keep our inspiration flowing. Three of my pieces are featured, My Love's Locked Down, Yellow and Filled with Flaws.

Cultivating Voices Live Poetry
I shared Sight (CAPS Anthology) during the Cultivating Voices Live Poetry which featured Lynda VE Crawford and Indran Amirthanayagam, two well-traveled and published poets. 

Syncopation Literary Journal
My poem, Music Is, was published in the Syncopation Literary Journal on February 3, 2025. Follow the link and look for my name. This is one of my pieces from the archives.

Lucid Voices Black History Month Open Mic
I shared in the Lucid Voices Black History Month Open Mic, hosted by Adonis Richards. I shared My Thoughts on Black Love.

All Your Stories Magazine
My short story, A Bird's Life, was published in All Your Stories Magazine February 2025: Quick Reads and Memories. It's available on the magazine's website and Amazon (Kindle and printed).

Micromance Magazine
My poem, Sweet Lady, was published by Micromance Magazine. I was inspired by a writing prompt shared by Ashanti Taylor from Pulse Poetry Magazine to write a poem based on Sweet Lady by Tyrese Gibson.

Calling All Poets Series Reading
The February 7, 2025 session of Calling All Poets Series featured Megha Sood, Linda McCauley Freeman and Harvey Soss. I performed my poem, Pages to be Fulfilled, from 1:52:50 to 1:54:00 during the open mic. Open mic poets included Tom Holland, Heather Kays, Patricia Carragon, Richard Spisak, Rich Boucher and many more talents.

Ameslounge Interview
I am grateful for the interview with Andrea M. Echols of Ameslounge on February 8, 2025. I shared two pieces with her, Granny Said a Lot and De-Stress.

Highland Park Poetry
Shout out to Highland Park Poetry for featuring my poem, Subtle. Do let me know if you think it is subtle or frank!
Artist Feature: Diamond Plus
This month, I featured Diamond Plus, an artist from the Virgin Islands. Read more to learn about him and check out his sound.

WOC This Way for Poetry
My poem, Love and Affection, was published by WOC This Way for Poetry on February 14, 2025. It was written based on a prompt with Pressure's song, Love and Affection, as the inspiration.

February 16, 2025 Poetry Events
Inspired Poetry Corner
I had the honor of listenting to the featured poet, Stella Magal, at the Sunday at the Corner, hosted by the Inspired Poetry Corner. I was able to share two pieces during the open mic, Honeybee and Writer's Block. I'm on from 1:19:59. The entire reading was an awesome experience.

Cultivating Voice Live Poetry
I performed during the Wild Card Open Mic along with a group of talented poets from all over the world. I shared Honeybee and The Panther Within.

Silver Birch Press
My poem, Sweet, was shared by Silver Birch Press on February 16, 2025 in their series, My Favorite Things. Of course, it is an ode to my favorite tart filling, pineapple.

Haiku Feature
Thank you to St. Petersburg Library System for featuring my haiku on February 18, 2025.
New Video for Erase and Embrace
I've uploaded a new video, Erase and Embrace. The title was inspired by the talented Nita Chase. Please leave a comment with your feedback! Thank you for your kind support!

February 22-23 Readings
Let's Poet
I performed during the February 22 edition of Let's Poet with Nita Chase and some other amazing poets. I shared My Thoughts on Black Love and Stitched Love.

The Fertile Brains
I shared Fruit on the Vines and This Piece of Me during the February 23 edition of The Fertile Brains open-themed recital. Grateful to be performing with poets from India.

Pour Your Heart Out Open Mic
The February 23, 2025 edition of the Pour Your Heart Out Open Mic, hosted by Nakenyia Sheree Stokes, was a beautiful experience with feature poet, Vitamin D. Poets who graced the mic included De'Asia Thompson, Pawcram DaPoet and Emanuel Cole. I shared a tanka, This Escape, and a new piece, The Ladder of Hope.

Sense & Sensibility
My haiku was featured in Sense & Sensibility. Click the link for my piece and several others.

New Poem
This poem is a Renga and it was inspired by a prompt from Nelly Vee of KVI Network Creations, LLC.

Split Personalities

bury the hatchet
let go, forgive and forget
regret is wasteful

forgiveness – no, not this time
their lies hurt me to the core

turn the other cheek
just be the bigger person
you can still trust them

bitten already – no way
trust is out of the picture

give them one more chance
just continue to be nice
your good deeds will stand

not accepting disrespect
this nonsense must end today

© Linette Rabsatt 2-26-2025

Upcoming Interview
I have an interview on Saturday, March 1 at 8:00 pm IST which is 10:30 am BVI time. I will share the link.

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