Sunday, January 30, 2022

Odd Man Out

I have been the 'odd man out' throughout my life. People think I am always calm and friendly, but I mainly keep to myself. At school, I had a small circle. I didn't think I fit in. At work, I think it's the same. I always feel like I can analyze why things happen. So I think that I act this way because I grew up sheltered and away from my siblings.

A lot of people think they know me. However, I am sure they wouldn't think about me in the terms I shared above. I have had people ask me if I get mad or unhappy. What? Who doesn't get mad? I find these days my temper is increasingly short. My facial expressions cannot hide my frustration, and I don't know if I want to hide it.

I am looking past people's perceptions, and instead, I am doing the best that I can. I have challenges, like everyone else, and I confide in persons that I can trust. Those who follow me on social media quickly realize that I love poetry, puns, and riddles. I do not put private information on display for everyone to see. On LinkedIn, I focus more on learning from others and using the platform to make connections.

I find 2022 just as challenging as 2021. We face changes to COVID-19 protocols, continued travel restrictions, cost of living increases, etc. I took a day off from work because I needed a moment to step back. If I could get a 4-day work week, I would gladly spend more time enjoying what I love.

I continue to say that 'I invest in the things that build me.' I will maintain this mantra for 2022. While I am the 'odd man out.' I want my people to be successful. I will assist, encourage, and guide others so that they, in turn, can do the same for the next person.

I'm still the odd man out, but I know we have a lot of work to do in our community.



IxyBitsyMuscles said...

We definitely have at least one thing in common is used write poetry too maybe 20+ years ago when I felt inspired by love 😊. I wonder if I will ever take it up again.

Des said...

I feel the same way on most days sis. We gonna push on and do the best we can to help each other and others around us. Keep being that light...

Anonymous said...

One thing about the odd man out, he or she must be strong enough to know when to stand....alone.