Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Moving Words of Ribbon Forward

At 50,000 page views and 579 blog posts, I feel like a star. My blog may not be as popular as other people''s but for me, it is something special. Thank you very much to all the visitors!

Today was celebrated as Read Aloud day in the BVI and I took the opportunity to share one of my poems, Reciprocation on Radio ZBVI 780. I tried to use intonation and to be very expressive. The announcer said he enjoyed the poem and I hope the listening audience did too.

This blog has been a boost for me in so many ways. It is my blank palette where I can hone my writing and where I can share my new poems. I can raise awareness on an issue or share the triumph of positive event.

It's my way to put myself out there in a positive way. It's my way to inspire someone to do something new and take their dream to another level. This blog has been my way into other opportunities and I am going to keep excelling. It's in me and it's in you - innovate and follow your passion.


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