Thursday, March 28, 2013

It Pays to Pay Attention

It really pays to pay attention! I just made a bubble but thankfully it can be solved. I guess my mind was not in the usual place. I always tell my son to pay attention to what he is doing and that he should read over. This morning I am a testimony to that - I must pay attention.

Thankfully in the middle of creating this blog post, the problem was solved. We have to thank God for his small mercies. It is a beautiful thing to feel a sigh of relief. There are a lot of other things going around me that are in a cloud of suspicion and strange behavior, but I will persevere.

I am a Black Diamond generation. I will never be beat down. I am a child of my ancestors and we are a clan that pushes for what we want. I don't give up that easily. I thank God for another day and look forward to dealing with what comes before me - reading over twice of course!


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