Monday, July 16, 2012

Poetic Prayer #2

Dear God,

These days are trying
and many around us are dying
for senseless reasons
and as we pass the seasons
we continue to sin
and think that we are about to win
but the only champion
is the one heading to Zion
safe in the Father's arm
where no one can harm
raise alarm
because Jesus' love brings calm
it help us not to get caught up
but instead to wise up
and focus on God's way
and continuously pray
and not let the devil sway
our hearts his way
we got a work to do
and as we trod through
the rough times and the pain
let Jesus' love reign
because he did on the cross for all
and he picks us up when we fall
our God, the one who takes us through
refreshes us and gives us live anew!


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