Tuesday, July 31, 2012

POEM: Don't Know How to Act

I sometimes think I don't know how to act
or I think that I'm not smart
but may I'm just the norm
nothing special - just weathering the storm
like every one else
but we all think we are the best
but nevertheless
I am blessed
and sometimes I don't behave
because I was not destined to be a slave
I just have to echo and expound
make my mouth loud and rebound
every stupid comment
or the ill intent
and I should probably leave it to the Father
but somehow I'd rather
issue a response
and state my stance
but I think I'll start to cool out
and leave the evil move out
because I prefer to act right
and exude a positive light
but don't underestimate me
I am like that tree
planted by the river
with fruit that is not bitter
so don't push me to misbehave
because I don't want to be hatred's slave
Don't Know How to Act


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