Friday, October 28, 2011

God is My Liberator, My People's Man, My Rising Sun and My Winner

Only God provides opportunities for all. Only Jesus is the rising sun. Only with God can we truly win. However, somehow man seems to want to make the claims that he can do it all. We can do nothing without God in our midst. God is the propeller, the energy and the motivation.

During these political times, even the prayers are slanted. Truly all I want is good visionary leadership. I want to see the problems addressed. I want to see the education move from passing and promoting to seasoning the youths for future leadership. I want to see the hospital completed running. I need to see the needs of the special needs, abused, elderly, the  mentally challenged and the addicted addressed more seriously. I want the mode of agriculture to be changed and the farmers mobilized. I need to see greater accountability in the use of government funds. My list can go on and on but these are some that stand out.

Only with God's guidance, we can move forward as a country in strength and unity.


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Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt