Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crime Around Us

There are a lot of things that we can not explain. We will never know the answers and no matter how long we consider the scenario, we still won't understand. Crime is one of those things we won't understand. While, I may say that I have immunity to committing a crime, I can still be accused of wrongdoing. Every person has the right to supply a defence for themselves in court. Sometimes, he or she may be guilty but a good defence attorney can poke holes in the prosecution's case.

I don't know if anyone intentionally starts off wanting to be a crook or a criminal but I guess the situation may present itself when a dire need arises. We are not the judge and jury and while we may feel embarrasment and shame, we must remember that every one has their day in the wilderness with the devil.

We should not condone criminsl activity but we need to be empathetic to our fellow man. There is so much corruption, greed and lust in the world today and it is hard to stay on the right track. However, staying on the right track is the best decision.


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