Sunday, September 4, 2011

Short Narrative: Learning Lessons

I once met a man who had two children, Tommy and Timmy. He seem to favor Tommy more because Tommy could be seen sucking a lollipop, slurping a Chubby and somehow, had another hand to hold a Snicker bar. Timmy seemed to lonely even though he had a brother. He seemed dejected and sad.

I asked their dad if Timmy was OK. He said sure he is and that Timmy was quite OK. I asked Tommy if he would share with Timmy and he said that he wouldn't. I smiled at Timmy and he smiled back.

We bade farwell and met later on at another location. This time, Timmy seemed to be happy and Tommy looked sick. I again approached the father and asked how things were going. He said things were fine. I dug a bit further to find out that Tommy had put on a tantrum prior to my first meeting them. He demanded that he should have all the sweets and snacks. His dad bought them for him. Timmy apparently was ashamed of Tommy's behavior and was sad because Tommy did not share with him.

Their father wanted to teach both boys a lesson even though Tommy ended up with a tummy ache. Not to worry - his dad also bought him some bitters to drink for a clean out! Timmy surely knew never to try to pull such a stunt with his dad.


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