Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who is the Writer behind the Blog 'Words of Ribbon'

I keep it sweet and I keep it real. I am all about improvement and moving forward. I am also about music and simple living. I am an open book that has no Table of Contents. One page may have a picture and the other poem, while the other has a short essay. I down to earth yet complicated and I have no issue in telling you that.

I like crossword puzzles and Sudoku as much as I enjoy burying my feet in the sand at the beach. I love my children but I hate when they don't listen to me. Some days, I just can't wait for their bed time so I can just chill.

I like my job and throughout my life I have been able to tolerate most supervisors. What I don't like is micro-management because I think supervisors should trust the people they hire. I have been thrown under the bus and try to not to throw others. However, sometimes, a point needs to be made.

I keep a few friends - people who give me inspiration and who I enjoy taking to. They are awesome people who keep me on my toes and I hope I can motivate and encourage them to. I love my family and want the best for them always.

I am 'ribbon' and I love sharing these thoughts with you. I can only hope that you are truly inspired.

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