Sunday, June 24, 2012

Where do you stand?

No one likes to fail or look bad. Most of us try our best to excel at everything we do. However, there are days when we don't feel like pushing forward and putting out our best. During these times, we have to pray for balance and still try our best. Sometimes, I am guilty of that too and it may make me insubordinate. I don't want to be a disloyal employee but sometimes when you feel that there is unfair treatment, you tend to react. We are all only human and will feel hurt, discomfort or ill-feelings.

No one is perfect and I for sure never try to be. I believe that people should use their best judgement and that we should try to comprimise and be good to each other. I get annoyed when I am asked to do things and do not get the credit. It's always someone else to look good even if they get a bigger salary. I get even more peeved when persons are supposed to be qualified and they can not carry out their duties. Therefore, others have to do the work for the incompetent.

These are the things we face but we just have to keep going. I want to stay simple me. I'm not looking for the biggest salary or position. I want respect for what I can do. I want the opportunity to excel and spearhead projects. I want a lot of things and I am putting myself in place to do what I need to do. A job is a small part of me because there is so much else in life to accomplish.

I may fail at some things and I may look bad once in a while but I will keep pushing. I know my experience and education so those who want others to do their work will eventually be found out. I know how to do mine!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Congrats to the Class of 2012

The BVI is graduating another group of secondary school students and I must say congratulations to all the graduates. I am related to a few and have been in contact with a handful. It is truly always a proud moment that inspires me as a parent. I hear my son saying he wants A+s in his report. I am glad to give him tips and help him despite how frustrated I get.

The young people have a lot more to face than I did or my parents had to. They're in a cyber world where you work people that you will never meet. I belong to two online communities of persons that I have never met but we share a few things in common.

I wish the graduates well. Their task will be to create opportunities for entrepreneurship and in addition, lead the way for a more cleaner and interactive world. The internet has broken so many barriers but the internal racism, bigotry and hatred will have to stop too.

Their task is vast and we as a community have to embrace and encourage them foward. Do not be afraid to take on a challenge. Find opportunities that suit you and do not be pressure to go into a field that you don't want to.

All the best to the graduates of the BVI's secondary school system! Congratulations!


Monday, June 18, 2012

POEM: Moving from Below

I have been in the depths
I know the days I've wept
my heart in chains
my mind restrained
I know not where I came from
I know I do not suck my thumb
cause that's just not my style
I'm too busy hitting the bull's eye
or removing a big stye
but what's your story
are you just looking for glory
or have you forgotten the victory
and just focusing on the battle
well hold on to your saddle
and get ready to paddle
cause it's no time to fumble
can't stop to stumble
or let the tummy rumble
just be humble
and rise above the rubble
pop the nasty bubble
and stay out of trouble


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Noone Likes a Brat

I think children should know their place. Better yet, I think parents and caregivers need to discipline their children. I find it hard to watch a child hitting adults, throwing curse words or bullying other children who may even be bigger than him or her.

Parents, this is not cute. If your child acts like a spoiled brat, he or she is not cute. When you dress up a pig in a bow and a dress - it is still a pig. I try my best to keep my children in check and I see that they have their little rude tendencis. However, I am not going to leave them to be disrespectful to me or to others.

You have to keep the children in check. Some of them go to school and they terrorize the teachers and other children. I find our teachers still to be extremely patient when they are called names, sworn at or kicked. These children need tough love. Stop spoling them! Stop spoling them!

Do not abuse them but you have to punish them and be serious about the punishment. Love them but do not allow them to rule you. I don't plan to be embarrassed by my children and I have to toughen them up so that they can survive this life ahead.

Love your children and discipline them please.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Happens When We Snap?

Snapped is one of my favorite television programs. But I wonder what really happens when someone snaps? Do their rationale thought processes just stop? Are they triggered by a particular action? I guess I would have to speak with a trained person who has dealt with these cases.

I do have my days like most people, filled with stress or heartache, but athough I may stress for a little on something, I pass it to Jesus. I turn on my music and dance with my children. I get my cutlass and cut grass, till the soil or write.

We have to find ways to cope with our problems. While we may say that we are outnumberd, embarrassed or hurt by another, it really might not be that way. Each person is a seperate individual. What you might think is important, I may disregard as silly. We just have to understand each other and severe ties when needed.

It makes no sense to hang on to someone who does not reciprocate the feelings you share. In these cases you just have to let go. It's not that hard. Pray, meditate, let go and move on.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayer for the June Weddings

Dear God,

As we celebrate many weddings during this month, we thank you for the gift of love. Without love, life is empty and there would be no unity. We pray that as the many couple join in their unions that they will be blessed and keep their love strong. Father, depart every stumbling block that may obstruct their union. Shut down every negative force and help them to build a marraige built on trust, faith, patience and understanding. Father, keep them safe, make them fruitful and bless them with a stable life. Father, we thank you for all that you have done for us and pray that your extend your mercies to us. In your name I pray.


Happy 2025!