Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Congrats to the Class of 2012

The BVI is graduating another group of secondary school students and I must say congratulations to all the graduates. I am related to a few and have been in contact with a handful. It is truly always a proud moment that inspires me as a parent. I hear my son saying he wants A+s in his report. I am glad to give him tips and help him despite how frustrated I get.

The young people have a lot more to face than I did or my parents had to. They're in a cyber world where you work people that you will never meet. I belong to two online communities of persons that I have never met but we share a few things in common.

I wish the graduates well. Their task will be to create opportunities for entrepreneurship and in addition, lead the way for a more cleaner and interactive world. The internet has broken so many barriers but the internal racism, bigotry and hatred will have to stop too.

Their task is vast and we as a community have to embrace and encourage them foward. Do not be afraid to take on a challenge. Find opportunities that suit you and do not be pressure to go into a field that you don't want to.

All the best to the graduates of the BVI's secondary school system! Congratulations!


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