Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoes. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

S H O E S ................and shoes

Shoes...where are you? 
 I wear size 6 shoes. I love shoes. 
BUT I have a problem with shoes. 
...shoe shopping specifically. 

 I have visited the many shoe stores in the BVI and have had the hardest time finding dressy silver shoes in a size 6. Please note that for size 7 and up, there is an abundance of styles to choose from. Prices start from $20. These silver shoes are for a special occasion. I would like to use them again but for $129 - I'd rather not go that far. I'll be using them until I am 40. I have made up my mind and convinced myself that metallic gray is silver and this is what I will buy. 

Hopefully, when I go for them tomorrow - they will be there. I have bought shoes and in one week, the pairs have been forwarded to Red Cross or Humane Society because I found them uncomfortable. And for $129 and after starving myself for week, I would be a crazy and hungry fool. $30 pair here I come. I will make them comfortable and convince myself that they are perfect. Who's gonna care anyway! 
