Showing posts with label Domestic Violence Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domestic Violence Awareness. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October -Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October hosts World Food Day, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Reading is Fun Week, Fire Safety Week and a few other things in the BVI. The media is business around this time because in addition to these observances, election is on November 7, 2011. The media is busy and making lots of money too. There are so many choices of topics to write about but some I will skirt around the issue and others I will hit on the head.

Domestic Violence is a serious offence because it affects the family. Crimes under domestic violence include rape, assault, bribery, kidnapping, murder, extortion, neglect etc. We have had several cases appearing in the headlines recently that show us that domestic violence is on the rise in our country. Charges of buggery, sexual assault, assault, attempted murder are cases that are waiting for the assizes.

We as a people no longer have that community spirit. We have become careless, covetous, rude and unruly. The family structure is no longer honored and children are allowed to rear themselves. A child rearing himself is like an unruly animal that rears up when a stranger comes near. We have many social issues that are the underlying problems to the issues we face in society - including crime, teenage pregnancy, financial woes etc.

To curb some of the negativity in our society, the approach has to be a territorywide action. Homes, schools, government, employers all will have to collaborate to teach the right values. Parents, lovers, employers all will have to learn, teach, grow and unite for the betterment of the community.

To end domestic violence, we all have to pledge to work together for the solution.


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt