Friday, January 31, 2025

January 2025 - New Energy, Work and Features

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 10 weeks of January 2025 (lol)! I've had work featured in several publications and was blessed to have a 30-minute Solo Poetry Recital hosted by The Fertile Brains. I am looking forward to doing more in February and I plan to have great fun!

Here's a chronology of what has happened in January 2025!

Pulse Poetry Magazine
My poems, Another Year (page 34) and I Envision (page 37), were published in the January 2025 issue of Pulse Poetry Magazine. Nelly Vee and Akin Chinnery are also in the Magazine.

Feed the Holy
Feed the Holy published two poems in January:
Personal Freedom Anthology
My poem, Personal, was published in the Personal Freedom anthology by Orenaug Mountain Publishing. You can purchase a copy here:

My Eintou Poem
My eintou poem placed second in a competition! I entered two pieces and Love Heals placed second.

Rebirth Anthology
The anthology, Rebirth, features two of my poems, Re-birth and Break Through the Cracks. All proceeds will go to New Hope For Families in Bloomington, IN. You can find the paperback here and the hardcover here Thank you to Walden Quinn Ceasar for having confidence in my work.

Literary Cocktail Magazine
Literary Cocktail Magazine accepted my photo, Morning Blues in its Fall 2024 issue.

Darkly Beautiful
Magique Publishing selected my piece, Dark Snowman, for the Darkly Beautiful publication. Dark Snowman is on page 12.

Synchronized Chaos
Synchronized Chaos published two of my pieces, A Day Out and Pack Mentality, on January 1, 2025.

Dem Dope Poets
  • On January 7, I was the surprise guest on Dem Dope Poets, hosted by Kim Mosby Summers on Instagram. The 3 Goats and a Mic, the featured poets, delivered some powerful and impactful pieces. I shared Another Year. It was awesome being in their virtual company.
  • I performed during Dem Dope Poets on Instagram Live hosted by Kim Mosby Summers on January 14 along with Pawcram and Gerronteed.
The Poet Heroic
My poem, Filled with Flaws was published by The Poet Heroic as the Poem of the Week on December 27, 2024. It's one of the pieces that I originally submitted to Visual Verse based on a photo prompt.

Calling All Poets Series
I performed during the Calling All Poets Series reading on Janaury 16, 2025 which featured LJ Sysko. I'm on from 1:39:44 to 1:42:41 sharing What is Next, Pack Mentality and A Walking Inspiration.

YouTube Upload
I wrote my poem, Indecision, based on a photo prompt. It's a piece that I had some fun with based on the image. 

January 19, 2025 Online Readings
  • Verse Virtual: I attended the Verse Virtual Poetry Reading, which featured Page Starzinger and David Baker. I'm on during the open mic from 47:42 to 49:08 sharing two pieces, Red Umbrella and The Cooling Aura.
  • Orenaug Mountain Publishing: My poem, Personal, was published in the Orenaug Mountain Publishing Anthology, Personal Freedom. A poetry reading was held on January 19, 2025 and I was able to share my piece from 39:10 to 40:00.
Inspired Poetry Corner
I performed at the January 19, 2025 Inspired Poetry Corner's Show #36: Sunday at the Corner featuring Lady Dia  &Troph, Kinfolk Nation, who were awesome! I shared Indecision and The Table.

January 25-26, 2025 Online sessions
  • Brownstone Poets: I performed during the January 25, 2025 online poetry reading, which featured Michael Broder, Allyson Paty and David Groff. I was on from 10:00 to 11:26 and shared Family Tree and Ugly Faces.
  • Let's Po-Et: I joined the talented Nita Chase, Stephanie Piper and Nuri Desvigne for the January 25, 2025 session of Let's Poet. I shared my pieces, Erase and Embrace and Strong Woman.
The Fertile Brains
  • Online Reading: I joined The Fertile Brains online poetry reading on January 26, 2025 and shared Roots to Routes, which was inspired by the BVI Lit Fest Poetry Competition. I'm on from 1:14:13 sharing my piece.
  • The Fertile Brains Solo Recital: The Fertile Brains featured me in a Solo Poetry Recital on January 29, 2025. I shared a variety of my pieces throughout.
Artist Feature: Bari
I love highlighting our Virgin Islands talents on my blog. This month, I featured Bari, who is a multi-talented musician and athlete.

New Poem
Never Tired

a piece of history
once on an SUV
next on a swing
hurricane winds
took me to the river
I don't degrade
will be here forever
never tiring
just traveling
as the wind or water
take me

© Linette Rabsatt 1-31-2025

Thank you for your continued support!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Meet Bari - An Upcoming Virgin Islands Talent and Athlete

Jabari Pemberton, who is known as the Virgin Islands artist, Bari, is a 2024 graduate of the Elmore Stoutt High School. As a former Prince (2017) of the Virgin Islands Festival Prince and Princess Pageant, everyone saw that he was talented, intelligent, and confident. Bari is also an aspiring track athlete specializing in Long Jump and sprints. I chatted with him on January 26, 2025, so that he could share some insights with his growing fan base.

What inspired you to become an artist?

Bari said he is still shocked that he is writing and performing music at this level. He started with a band, Pure Drive Squad, but they eventually separated. His parents encouraged him to continue his musical pursuits, especially with his father's legacy as a vocalist in a local band.

What was your first single that you put out?

His first single was Squeeze with Jayqoi Hopkins in 2022. However, his first solo single was Which One? which was released in  2024.

Who is your team behind the music?

Who writes your lyrics?

I write my lyrics.

What are your plans for your music for 2025?

I look forward to dropping more material. I haven’t been performing so much because I am working on a new sound. Creating my own sound is one of the goals.

What type of music do you listen to and who are the top artists on your playlist?

I listen to a lot of genres, including:

  • R&B
  • Soca
  • VI Calypso/Soca/Bram
  • Soul.

The top artists I listen to are Big Shaw, Kes, Machel Montano, and Riiqo Live from St Croix.

What stage have you always dreamed of performing on?

Anguilla was the biggest stage I have performed on so far, and Virgin Gorda will be next.

My dream is to travel to perform in St Thomas or St John, and once the call comes, I’m going!

Which artists would you want to collaborate with (local, regional, and international)?

I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Boss on a song, Follow Through.

I would also like the opportunity to collaborate with:

Are you willing to experiment with other genres?

Bari said that he would be willing to try reggae or afrobeat, and he has been encouraged to try reggae.

Will you be continuing your aspirations in track and field?

Yes for sure. I love being versatile and have never been comfortable just doing one thing.

Share something with the readers that most people don’t know about you.

I’m not really good with getting attention. I’m not doing the music for that. I just love music!

Please share some advice for the younger generation.

 Bari was happy to respond to this question to share his advice.

  • Be yourself!
  • I don’t think people should focus on fitting in.
  • Be genuine! Be positive!
  • With the effort you put in – you will reap the benefits.
  • Once you get too comfortable – everything will go downhill.

Anything else you would like to share with the readers?

Bari is a hardworking guy. I work 24-7 and I hardly sleep. I am a humble guy. Even though I don’t do well with getting lots of attention, I am a very kind person and I love to have conversations with people.

Who would you like to shout out?

  • My parents,
  • Everybody who had a part to play in my music journey and overall upbringing – those who helped to mold me,
  • My team, Djimon, Diamante and Johntà,
  • Khari Fahie, my bassist,
  • The whole BVI massive for pushing me because one hand can’t clap, and
  • A special big-up to my management team, Promo by Putna.
Bari is a talented young man with a positive mindset. He knows how to rock a crowd and get them energized. We will see him on the international stage one day!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt

I wrote my poem, Indecision, based on a photo prompt. It's a piece that I had some fun with based on the image. Feedback always welcomed!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy 2025!

I wrote this poem in December 2024. I don't do New Year's resolutions. I live and try to do the right thing daily - professionally, personally, and poetically. I plan but I am spontaneous too.

I'll share my usual encouragement: Invest in what grows you.