Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day 2024

I wrote this poem in 2008 and shared it with the Island Sun Newspaper for Father's Day. I enjoy writing for celebrations because we should honor our family members and community with our talents. I created the graphic very simply. I didn't want too much prettiness or flowers. I didn't want it to resemble the typical Father's Day images. 

On Facebook, there's always some controversy about fathers and their role. I don't indulge in those topics. I am appreciative of my family and the role they played in shaping me. I can only encourage young and new parents to do their best for their children. If the romance has dwindled and you can't get along, find a common ground to take care of your child. That advice was for both mom and dad.

As parents, we nurture our children physically, mentally, and emotionally. Don't let a spouse or significant other, your job, or friends distract you from your family. Invest in what grows you.

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