Monday, December 19, 2022

2022 Was Challenging and Yet Thrilling

I have had both ups and downs in 2022. I have cursed, cried, yelled, gotten fed up, and thrown tantrums. I got hit in the eye with a mango, and also damaged my foot. I have been bitten and stung by insects and people.

My social media pages were filled with harsh words, stinging memes, and direct criticism. My favorites were:
  • "My ancestors rolling in their graves,"
  • "A refugee where I pay taxes"
  • "If you're going to be lionhearted, you can't hide, manipulate, dig holes for people, refuse to apologize, or use systems to hurt others. You are a coward!"
I feel like I was Sophia in "The Color Purple" - just fighting. I saw every deficiency in the systems around me. I complained and shared ideas and solutions. However, people have ignored me in most cases. I do not often ask for help, but in 2022, I asked and received no assistance.

I am undeterred. As Jougo sang in "Good Vibes," "they can't stop this shine." This song stayed on repeat this year.

Despite these challenges and situations, I have invested in what "grows my family and me." I even wrote a poem, "I Invest in What Grows Me." I look at all the ups and downs and hurtful situations and smile today. I am thankful for many things. I have put energy into my writing, garden, and other pursuits. Also, I have met some goals and influenced positive change. If we are not making a difference, then we serve no purpose. The difference you make does not have to be great. Start in small increments and help someone.

I decided a few weeks ago to also 'push for the positive' in all I do. I understand 'turning the other cheek.' For me, it is no longer about who is right or wrong; it is about doing the right thing. My actions should display that I am rational, trustworthy, hardworking, and decent.

In 2022, I wrote more and shared more poetry with a wider audience. I was published in Visual Verse and participated in several poetry competitions. Also, I have attended online poetry readings hosted by poets in the USA and UK.

I will continue to fight the battles that I need to. I struggle with my inconsistencies, bad habits, and temper. I am a "work in progress" and will continue working on myself daily. I do not make New Year's resolutions; instead, I adjust as I go along.

In parting, I encourage you to set goals and be ready to adjust them as needed. Life is not preset by dates and timelines. Remember, "you gotta know when to hold em, when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run...."

I wish you all the best for 2023!

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