Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Thoughts for the Beginning of 2020

Happy New Year! We have entered into the final year of this decade and I pray that we will continue to make better personal environmental and political decisions so that our stewardship may be viewed as positive and developmental to future generations.

I have stopped making New Year's resolutions and instead I live in the present and try to do the best that I can. We don't need dates to make things happen or a year. A perfect example is that we have so many young and budding entrepreneurs. Why should anyone wait until they retire to start something - a business or a hobby? I have decided that I want to have a garden despite the challenges with loose livestock. I have issues with erosion and I am trying my best to manage the land the best that I can. I can't wait until I retire or for someone to magically come and assist. After all, I have been waiting on the farmers to be held accountable and that will still take some time.

I rolled up my sleeves and I started cutting and digging. I feel a sense of accomplishment in the work that I have started. It is the same feeling I get when I see young entrepreneurs honing their craft from early. This also truly inspires me to continue blogging and sharing. We have immense talents and we just have to use them for the greater good.

Therefore, my admonition to anyone reading this post follows:

  1. Be good to people. You never know when you will need someone to assist you or a family member.
  2. Be a role model. You start the positive vibe and let it flow.
  3. Don't sit on your talents. Use them wisely and positively to make a difference.
  4. Invest time in your family. Little things count. You don't have to go on a trip to spend good quality time.
  5. Encourage people. Sometimes someone just needs a nudge in the right direction.
The whole point is that we really should be our brothers' keepers. So for 2020, be good and be better to those you interact with.

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