Saturday, May 26, 2018

Poem: Confused

Possibly a margin
Of error or was it terror
Designed to mix up
Our minds
Like a Kool-Aid flavor of lime
Don't drink and drive
To keep a life
From a lost state
In a debate on faith
But with no substance
And no endurance
Guaranteed that
You will not heed
I breathe in heavy gasps
As I lapse into
Not me
I really can't see
Cause one decree
Like an off deed
Turns into many others
And those who speak
With the 'other tongue' side
Take us for the ride
Not on a glider
But this one is a slider
Not wider but just confused

Woman by Marcia Griffith & Lady G

Monday, May 7, 2018

Poem: One with Words

I write to become
One with words
To resuscitate
Not divide and conquer
To disseminate
What could be useful
Because I am hopeful
I remain an optimist
Not only to give you
A gist or a hint
But to tell it to you
Raw with details
To ensure that
You understand
My passionate chords
Of words
That I use to light
The fire to inspire
The desire
For you to want more
I write to become
One with words
And I share these thoughts
Free of cost