Thursday, January 5, 2017

Success Mindset

To be successful, we have to shift our attitudes to a success mindset. We can not expect to do well while walking with petty behaviors, hang-ups and beefs. As I look at different places in the BVI and the service that is offered, I am proud and also ashamed. We definitely have a gap somewhere because too many act like they are entitled to work and therefore, they can do any old thing and it is okay. On the other hand, there are some people who give it their best by giving good service. As a consumer, that is what I want from every supplier or service provider. I don't have time or money to waste.

Therefore, what I expect is what I should give in my workplace. I have to serve my internal and external customers well. I enjoy that and I love knowing that I can accomplish something that is challenging.

I challenge any reader to evaluate themselves and what they expect from others - and what they need to give in return. Many of us need to change our mindset and be more productive. We also need to look for personal development, but this is another post by itself.

Do your best at all times.


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