Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our Varying Beliefs

Everyone has their varying beliefs and we all get passionate about them. There's always debate about religion and Christianity presents so many different perspectives that it is hard to keep up. I am a Methodist and this is a faith that I have been following since I was a child. I am open to learning about other cultures and religions but I will keep my faith. I won't debate which one is best because there's no point in that. I think that's why there is so much division. We all want to be the boss/leader and no one wants to follow. So we jump ship and there's another religion. Religion should unify us because it is based on common belief.

I did not study theology and I am not the head of any church organization. I just feel that we should celebrate our love for God and life, and be our brother's keeper. Getting caught up in doctrine clouds the mission to share the love of God. There are basic tenets in every religion which are the same or very similar. Yet, we are caught up in the choice of day and the name of the Savior. By all means, live by your religion's principles and do the right thing.

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