Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why Do I Hate Group Projects?

This is another blog entry that has no easy answer. I am not a fan of group projects. In a few cases,  I have been the one doing all the work and conversely, there was an instance where I was the one being the trouble maker. Yes, I was the troublemaker because I was going through a phase. However, in more cases, I believe that I did my fair share and of course, there were the few instances where I did more than my share. I always want good grades/evaluation so I will push and get my work done. I'm not afraid of a challenge and I will do my best to get the job done.

I see my children  having group projects this school year and it is frustrating. I tell them to show leadership and ensure that all the students have a part to play. I know how it is in college and on the job with these types of stresses - so imagine a nine or eleven year old. Of course, I'm fearful for them because I don't like the fact that another student's performance could impact my children's grades.

Mind you, I do love the collaborative aspect because it helps to build teamwork and leadership skills. So I'm not knocking it completely. I think it's probably a bit too much one time. I guess if I had one child, it wouldn't bother me as much. All I can do is assist with research and ideas, and pray that all will go well.


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Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt